231 Cogs with 2.4k Commands
Play a random match of Acrononym game, with Modals!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*acronymgame | Play a random match of Acronym game. |
Aliases: acronym, acro
Discord Voice Channel Activities.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
*activity | Base command for creating activity invite links. |
*activity askaway | Create an activity invite link for Ask Away. |
*activity awkword | Create an activity invite link for Awkword. |
*activity bashout | Create an activity invite link for Bash Out |
*activity betrayal | Create an activity invite link for Betrayal. |
*activity blazing8s | Create an activity invite link for Blazing 8s. |
*activity bobbleleague | Create an activity invite link for Bobble League. |
*activity checkersinthepark | Create an activity invite link for Checkers In The Park. |
*activity chessinthepark | Create an activity invite link for Chess In The Park. |
*activity decoder | Create an activity invite link for Decoder. |
*activity doodlecrew | Create an activity invite link for Doodle Crew. |
*activity fishington | Create an activity invite link for Fishington. |
*activity garticphone | Create an activity invite link for Gartic Phone. |
*activity jamspace | Create an activity invite link for Jamspace. |
*activity knowwhatimeme | Create an activity invite link for Know What I Meme. |
*activity landio | Create an activity invite link for Land IO. |
*activity letterleague | Create an activity invite link for Letter League. |
*activity pokernight | Create an activity invite link for Poker Night. |
*activity puttparty | Create an activity invite link for Putt Party. |
*activity putts | Create an activity invite link for Putts. |
*activity sketchheads | Create an activity invite link for Sketch Heads. |
*activity sketchyartist | Create an activity invite link for Sketchy Artist. |
*activity spellcast | Create an activity invite link for Spell Cast. |
*activity watchtogether | Create an activity invite link for Watch Together. |
*activity wordsnacks | Create an activity invite link for Word Snacks. |
*activity youtubetogether | Create an activity invite link for Youtube Together. |
A collection of server administration utilities.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*addrole | Add a role to a user. |
*announceset | Change how announcements are sent in this guild. |
*announceset channel | Change the channel where the bot will send announcements. |
*announceset clearchannel | Unsets the channel for announcements. |
*editrole | Edit role settings. |
*editrole colour | Edit a role's colour. |
*editrole name | Edit a role's name. |
*removerole | Remove a role from a user. |
*selfrole | Add or remove a selfrole from yourself. |
*selfrole list | Lists all available selfroles. |
*selfroleset | Manage selfroles. |
*selfroleset add | Add a role, or a selection of roles, to the list of available selfroles. |
*selfroleset clear | Clear the list of available selfroles for this server. |
*selfroleset remove | Remove a role, or a selection of roles, from the list of available selfroles. |
Useful commands for server administrators.
Author(s): Fixator10, DiNitride, kablekompany and Predeactor
Command | Description |
*aemoji | Manage emoji |
*aemoji add | Create custom emoji |
*aemoji message | Add an emoji from a specified message |
*aemoji remove | Remove emoji from server |
*aemoji rename | Rename emoji and restrict to certain roles |
*aprune | Cleanup inactive server members |
*channel | Manage channels |
*channel create | Create a channel |
Aliases: add
*channel create stage | Create a stage channel |
*channel create text | Create a text channel |
*channel create voice | Create a voice channel |
*channel delete | Remove a channel from server |
*channel rename | Rename a channel |
*massmove | Move all members from one voice channel to another |
*restartvoice | Change voice channel's region to random and back |
An advanced invite for [botname]
To configure the invite command, check out `[p]invite set`.
Author(s): Jojo#7791
Command | Description |
*invite | Invite [botname] to your server! |
Adventure, derived from the Goblins Adventure cog by locastan.
Author(s): locastan, aikaterna, TrustyJAID and Draper
Command | Description |
*adventure | This will send you on an adventure! |
*adventureset | Setup various adventure settings. |
*adventureset cart | [Admin] Add or remove a text channel that the Trader cart can appear in. |
*adventureset cartname | [Admin] Set the server's name of the cart. |
*adventureset cartroom | [Admin] Lock carts to a specific text channel. |
*adventureset carttime | [Admin] Set the cooldown of the cart. |
*adventureset economy | [Admin] Manages the adventure economy. |
*adventureset economy maxwithdraw | [Admin] Set how much players are allowed to withdraw. |
*adventureset economy withdraw | [Admin] Toggle whether users are allowed to withdraw from adventure currency to main currency. |
*adventureset embeds | [Admin] Set whether or not to use embeds for the adventure game. |
Aliases: embed
*adventureset god | [Admin] Set the server's name of the god. |
*adventureset locks | [Admin] Reset Adventure locks. |
*adventureset locks adventure | [Admin] Reset the adventure game lock for the server. |
*adventureset rebirthcost | [Admin] Set what percentage of the user balance to charge for rebirths. |
*adventureset showsettings | Display current settings. |
*adventureset version | Display the version of adventure being used. |
*aleaderboard | Print the leaderboard. |
*apayday | Get some free gold. |
*atransfer | Transfer currency between players/economies. |
*atransfer deposit | Convert bank currency to gold. |
*atransfer player | Transfer gold to another player. |
*atransfer withdraw | Convert gold to bank currency. |
*backpack | This shows the contents of your backpack. |
*backpack disassemble | Disassemble items from your backpack. |
*backpack equip | Equip an item from your backpack. |
*backpack eset | Equip all parts of a set that you own. |
*backpack sell | Sell an item from your backpack. |
*backpack sellall | Sell all items in your backpack. Optionally specify rarity or slot. |
*backpack trade | Trade an item from your backpack to another user. |
*bless | [Cleric Class Only] |
*cbackpack | Complex backpack management tools. |
*cbackpack disassemble | Disassemble items from your backpack. |
*cbackpack sell | Sell items from your backpack. |
*cbackpack show | This shows the contents of your backpack. |
*convert | Convert normal, rare or epic chests. |
*ebackpack | This shows the contents of your backpack that can be equipped. |
*equip | This equips an item from your backpack. |
*focus | [Wizard Class Only] |
*forge | [Tinkerer Class Only] |
*heroclass | Allows you to select a class if you are level 10 or above. |
*insight | [Psychic Class Only] |
*loadout | Set up gear sets or loadouts. |
Aliases: loadouts
*loadout delete | Delete a saved loadout. |
*loadout equip | Equip a saved loadout. |
*loadout save | Save your current equipment as a loadout. |
*loadout show | Show saved loadouts. |
*loot | This opens one of your precious treasure chests. |
*music | [Bard Class Only] |
*mysets | Show your sets. |
*negaverse | This will send you to fight a nega-member! |
*nvsb | Print the negaverse scoreboard. |
*pet | [Ranger Class Only] |
*pet forage | Use your pet to forage for items! |
*pet free | Free your pet :cry: |
*rage | [Berserker Class Only] |
*rebirth | Resets your character level and increases your rebirths by 1. |
*scoreboard | Print the scoreboard. |
*setinfo | Show set bonuses for the specified set. |
*skill | This allows you to spend skillpoints. |
*stats | This draws up a character sheet of you or an optionally specified member. |
*themeset | [Admin] Modify themes. |
*themeset list | [Admin] Show custom objects in the specified theme. |
Aliases: show
*themeset list monster | [Admin] Show monster objects in the specified theme. |
*themeset list pet | [Admin] Show pet objects in the specified theme. |
*unequip | This stashes a specified equipped item into your backpack. |
*wscoreboard | Print the weekly scoreboard. |
Alert when a dragon appears in adventure
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*adventurealert | Set notifications for all adventures |
*adventurealert global | Toggle adventure notifications in all shared servers |
*adventurealert removeall | Remove all adventurealert settings in all guilds |
*adventurealert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from adventure alerts |
*adventurealert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when a dragon appears |
*adventurealert settings | Shows a list of servers you have alerts |
Aliases: setting
*adventurealert toggle | Toggle adventure notifications in this server |
Play Akinator in Discord!
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and sravan
Command | Description |
*aki | Start a game of Akinator! |
Create aliases for commands.
Aliases are alternative names/shortcuts for commands. They
can act as both a lambda (storing arguments for repeated use)
or as simply a shortcut to saying "x y z".
When run, aliases will accept any additional arguments
and append them to the stored alias.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*alias | Manage command aliases. |
*alias add | Add an alias for a command. |
*alias delete | Delete an existing alias on this server. |
*alias edit | Edit an existing alias in this server. |
*alias global | Manage global aliases. |
*alias global list | List the available global aliases on this bot. |
*alias help | Try to execute help for the base command of the alias. |
*alias list | List the available aliases on this server. |
*alias show | Show what command the alias executes. |
Get all the alias information you could ever want about a command.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*aliases | Get all the alias information you could ever want about a command. |
Check new users with AltDentifier API
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
*altcheck | Check a user on AltDentifier. |
*altset | Manage AltDentifier Settings. |
*altset action | Specify what actions to take when a member joins and has a certain Trust Level. |
*altset channel | Set the channel to send AltDentifier join checks to. |
*altset settings | View AltDentifier Settings. |
*altset unwhitelist | Remove a user from the AltDentifier whitelist. |
*altset whitelist | Whitelist a user from AltDentifier actions. |
Cog for handling Amazon affiliate links.
Author(s): bencos18 (492089091320446976)
Command | Description |
*amazon | Commands for managing Amazon affiliate settings. |
*amazon disable | Disable Amazon affiliate link handling for this server. |
*amazon enable | Enable Amazon affiliate link handling for this server. |
*amazon set | Set the Amazon affiliate tag for this server. |
*amazon show | Show the current Amazon affiliate tag for this server. |
A rich embed ping command with latency timings.
You can customise the emojis, colours or force embeds with `[p]pingset`.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*ping | A rich embed ping command with timings. |
Aliases: pinf, pig, png, pign, pjgn, ipng, pgn, pnig
Cog for handling applications.
Author(s): bencos18 (492089091320446976)
Command | Description |
*apply | Apply for a specific role. |
*appset | Subcommands for setting up roles. |
*appset add | Add a question for a specific role. |
*appset clear | Clear all questions for a specific role. |
*appset clearq | Clear all questions for a specific role. |
*appset listroles | List roles available for application. |
*appset remove | Remove a question for a specific role. |
*appset removeq | Remove a question for a specific role. |
*appset review | Review a member's application for a specific role. |
*appset set | Set the application channel. |
Play audio through voice channels.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*audioset | Music configuration options. |
*audioset autodeafen | Toggle whether the bot will be auto deafened upon joining the voice channel. |
*audioset autoplay | Change auto-play setting. |
*audioset autoplay playlist | Set a playlist to auto-play songs from. |
*audioset autoplay reset | Resets auto-play to the default playlist. |
*audioset autoplay toggle | Toggle auto-play when there no songs in queue. |
*audioset countrycode | Set the country code for Spotify searches. |
*audioset dailyqueue | Toggle daily queues. |
*audioset dc | Toggle the bot auto-disconnecting when done playing. |
*audioset dj | Toggle DJ mode. |
*audioset emptydisconnect | Auto-disconnect from channel when bot is alone in it for x seconds, 0 to disable. |
*audioset emptypause | Auto-pause after x seconds when room is empty, 0 to disable. |
*audioset jukebox | Set a price for queueing tracks for non-mods, 0 to disable. |
*audioset lyrics | Prioritise tracks with lyrics. |
*audioset maxlength | Max length of a track to queue in seconds, 0 to disable. |
*audioset maxvolume | Set the maximum volume allowed in this server. |
*audioset mycountrycode | Set the country code for Spotify searches. |
*audioset notify | Toggle track announcement and other bot messages. |
*audioset persistqueue | Toggle persistent queues. |
*audioset restrictions | Manages the keyword whitelist and blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist | Manages the keyword blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist add | Adds a keyword to the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist clear | Clear all keywords added to the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist delete | Removes a keyword from the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist list | List all keywords added to the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist | Manages the keyword whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist add | Adds a keyword to the whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist clear | Clear all keywords from the whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist delete | Removes a keyword from the whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist list | List all keywords added to the whitelist. |
*audioset role | Set the role to use for DJ mode. |
*audioset settings | Show the current settings. |
Aliases: info
*audioset thumbnail | Toggle displaying a thumbnail on audio messages. |
*audioset vote | Percentage needed for non-mods to skip tracks, 0 to disable. |
*autoplay | Starts auto play. |
*bump | Bump a track number to the top of the queue. |
*bumpplay | Force play a URL or search for a track. |
*disconnect | Disconnect from the voice channel. |
*eq | Equalizer management. |
*eq delete | Delete a saved eq preset. |
*eq list | List saved eq presets. |
*eq load | Load a saved eq preset. |
*eq reset | Reset the eq to 0 across all bands. |
*eq save | Save the current eq settings to a preset. |
*eq set | Set an eq band with a band number or name and value. |
*genre | Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing. |
*local | Local playback commands. |
*local folder | Play all songs in a localtracks folder. |
*local play | Play a local track. |
*local search | Search for songs across all localtracks folders. |
*now | Now playing. |
*pause | Pause or resume a playing track. |
*percent | Queue percentage. |
*play | Play the specified track or search for a close match. |
*playlist | Playlist configuration options. |
*playlist append | Add a track URL, playlist link, or quick search to a playlist. |
*playlist copy | Copy a playlist from one scope to another. |
*playlist create | Create an empty playlist. |
*playlist dedupe | Remove duplicate tracks from a saved playlist. |
*playlist delete | Delete a saved playlist. |
*playlist info | Retrieve information from a saved playlist. |
*playlist list | List saved playlists. |
*playlist queue | Save the queue to a playlist. |
*playlist remove | Remove a track from a playlist by url. |
*playlist rename | Rename an existing playlist. |
*playlist save | Save a playlist from a url. |
*playlist start | Load a playlist into the queue. |
*playlist update | Updates all tracks in a playlist. |
*prev | Skip to the start of the previously played track. |
*queue | List the songs in the queue. |
*queue clean | Removes songs from the queue if the requester is not in the voice channel. |
*queue cleanself | Removes all tracks you requested from the queue. |
*queue clear | Clears the queue. |
*queue search | Search the queue. |
*queue shuffle | Shuffles the queue. |
*remove | Remove a specific track number from the queue. |
*repeat | Toggle repeat. |
*search | Pick a track with a search. |
*seek | Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or to a specific time. |
*shuffle | Toggle shuffle. |
*shuffle bumped | Toggle bumped track shuffle. |
*sing | Make Red sing one of her songs. |
*skip | Skip to the next track, or to a given track number. |
*stop | Stop playback and clear the queue. |
*summon | Summon the bot to a voice channel. |
*volume | Set the volume, 1% - 150%. |
Make images from avatars!
Author(s): Kuro
Command | Description |
*ad | Make an advertisement! |
*changelog | Show the latest changelog. |
*clown | This person is a clown, Star. |
*communist | Generate a communist comrade avatar! |
*drip | Pretend to wear a rich jacket! |
*gun | Add a gun overlay to your avatar! |
*hornylicense | Assign someone a horny license! |
*jail | Send someone to jail! |
*lolice | Be a loli police and put lolicons to jail! |
*missionpassed | Mission passed, respect +100. |
*simpcard | Assign someone a simp card! |
*sostupid | Oh no, it's so stupid! |
*tweet | Generate a fake Twitter tweet! |
*uncover | So this person was hiding behind the wall all the time? |
*wanted | Make a wanted poster! |
*wasted | Wasted. |
*whowouldwin | Who would win? |
*ytcomment | Generate a fake YouTube comment! |
Le away cog
Author(s): aikaterna, Axas and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*away | Tell the bot you're away or back. |
*awaysettings | View your current away settings |
Aliases: awayset
*awaytextonly | Toggle forcing the guild's away messages to be text only. |
*dnd | Set an automatic reply when you're dnd. |
*gaming | Set an automatic reply when you're playing a specified game. |
*idle | Set an automatic reply when you're idle. |
*listening | Set an automatic reply when you're listening to Spotify. |
*offline | Set an automatic reply when you're offline. |
*streaming | Set an automatic reply when you're streaming. |
*toggleaway | Toggle away messages on the whole server or a specific guild member. |
Create fun fake badges based on your discord profile
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*badges | Creates a fun fake badge based on your discord profile |
*gbadges | Creates a fun fake gif badge based on your discord profile |
*listbadges | List the available badges that can be created |
Display a chart of the moderators with the most bans.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and Aikaterna
Command | Description |
*banchart | Display a chart of the moderators with the most bans. |
*banchart storedbans | Creates a ban chart using the server's bans rather than audit logs. |
Look up users on various ban lists.
This cog allows server admins to check their members against multiple external ban lists.
It can also automatically check new members that join the server,
and optionally ban them if they appear in a list.
For a quick rundown on how to get started with this cog,
check out [the readme](https://github.com/PhasecoreX/PCXCogs/tree/master/bancheck/README.md)
Author(s): PhasecoreX
Command | Description |
*bancheck | Check if user is on a ban list. |
*bancheckset | Configure BanCheck for this server. |
*bancheckset autoban | Manage which services are allowed to ban users automatically. |
*bancheckset autoban disable | Disable a service from banning users automatically. |
*bancheckset autoban enable | Enable a service to ban users automatically. |
*bancheckset autocheck | Automatically perform BanChecks on new users. |
*bancheckset autocheck disable | Disable automatically checking new users against ban lists. |
*bancheckset autocheck set | Set the channel you want AutoCheck notifications to go to. |
*bancheckset service | Manage the services BanCheck will use to lookup users. |
*bancheckset service api | Set (or delete) an API key for a service. |
*bancheckset service disable | Disable a service. |
*bancheckset service enable | Enable a service. |
*bancheckset service settings | Display current settings. |
*bancheckset settings | Display current settings. |
Send message on ban in a chosen channel. Supports images!
Author(s): Jakub Kuczys (https://github.com/Jackenmen)
Command | Description |
*banmessageset | BanMessage settings. |
*banmessageset addmessage | Add ban message. |
*banmessageset channel | Set channel for ban messages. Leave empty to disable. |
*banmessageset hackban | Set if hackbans should trigger ban messages. |
*banmessageset listmessages | List ban message templates. |
*banmessageset removemessage | Remove ban message. |
Aliases: deletemessage
*banmessageset setimage | Set image for ban message. |
*banmessageset unsetimage | Unset image for ban message. |
Serve some yummy drinks
Author(s): coffeebank
Command | Description |
*barserve | Serve a drink to a user |
*barset | Set bartender |
*barset add | Add a drink to the menu |
*barset remove | Remove a drink from the menu |
Play Battle Royale with your friends!
Author(s): inthedark.org, MAX, AAA3A and sravan
Command | Description |
*battleroyale | Battle Royale with other members! |
*battleroyale auto | Battle Royale with random players from your server. |
*battleroyale leaderboard | Show the leaderboard. |
*battleroyale profile | Show your battle royale profile. |
*battleroyale profile bio | Change your default bio. |
*battleroyale role | Battle Royale with members from a specific role in your server. |
*setbattleroyale | Configuration commands for BattleRoyale. |
Aliases: battleset
*setbattleroyale prize | Changes the prize amount. |
Play battleship with one other person.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
*battleship | Start a game of battleship. |
*battleshipboard | View your current board from an ongoing game in your DMs. |
*battleshipset | Config options for battleship. |
*battleshipset extra | Set if an extra shot should be given after a hit. |
*battleshipset imgboard | Set if the board should be displayed using an image. |
*battleshipset mention | Set if players should be mentioned when their turn begins. |
*battleshipset thread | Set if a thread should be created per-game to contain game messages. |
*battleshipstop | Stop the game of battleship in this channel. |
Replaces the core uptime
command to show the uptime
percentage over the last 30 days.
The cog will need to run for a full 30 days for the full
data to become available.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*downtime | Check [botname] downtime over the last 30 days. |
*uptime | Get [botname]'s uptime percent over the last 30 days, and when I was last restarted. |
*uptimegraph | Check [botname] uptime with a graph over the last 30 days. |
Pull up biblical verses fast
Author(s): epic guy
Command | Description |
*bible | Pull up bible verses or reverse search by querying a word and get all it's references |
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*bingo | Generate a Bingo Card |
*bingoset | Commands for setting bingo settings |
*bingoset background | Set the colour of the Bingo card background. |
*bingoset bgtile | Set the background image (tiled). |
*bingoset bingo | Set the "BINGO" of the board. |
*bingoset box | Set the colour of the Bingo card boxes border. |
*bingoset clear | Clear out the current bingo cards tiles. |
*bingoset icon | Add an icon image to the bingo card |
*bingoset name | Set the name of the current bingo card. |
*bingoset reset | Reset a users bingo card or reset the whole servers bingo card. |
*bingoset seed | Set an additional seed to the randomness of players cards. |
*bingoset settings | Show the current bingo card settings |
*bingoset stamp | Set the colour of the "stamp" that fills the box. |
*bingoset text | Set the colour of the text. |
*bingoset tiles | Set the tiles for the servers bingo cards. |
*bingoset watermark | Add a watermark image to the bingo card |
Set yours and get a message and role on your birthday!
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*bdset | Birthday management commands for admins. |
*bdset channel | Set the channel where the birthday message will be sent. |
*bdset forceremove | Force-remove a user's birthday. |
*bdset forceset | Force-set a specific user's birthday. |
*bdset interactive | Start interactive setup |
*bdset msgwithoutyear | Set the message to send when the user did not provide a year. |
*bdset msgwithyear | Set the message to send when the user did provide a year. |
*bdset role | Set the role that will be given to the user on their birthday. |
*bdset rolemention | Choose whether or not to allow role mentions in birthday messages. |
*bdset settings | View your current settings |
*bdset stop | Stop the cog from sending birthday messages and giving roles in the server. |
*bdset time | Set the time of day for the birthday message. |
*birthday | Set and manage your birthday. |
Aliases: bday
*birthday remove | Remove your birthday. |
Aliases: delete, del
*birthday set | Set your birthday. |
*birthday upcoming | View upcoming birthdays, defaults to 7 days. |
Search books and find more about a book. Results from Google Books API.
Author(s): coffeebank
Command | Description |
*book | Search books and find more about a book. |
Author(s): T14D3
Command | Description |
*brainfuck | Compiles normal text into Brainfuck code. |
*unbrainfuck | Interprets Brainfuck code and converts it to normal text. |
Author(s): TrustyJaid and Glas
Command | Description |
*speech | Make a Speech bubble... |
A cog to do calculations from Discord with buttons!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*calculate | Calculate a simple expression. |
*setcalculator | Commands to configure Calculator. |
*setcalculator autocalculations | Toggle the auto calculations. |
*setcalculator autocalculationsignoredchannels | The channels to ignore for the auto calculations. |
*setcalculator modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
*setcalculator reactcalculations | Toggle the reaction calculations. |
*setcalculator reactcalculationsignoredchannels | The channels to ignore for the reaction calculations. |
*setcalculator resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
*setcalculator resultcodeblock | Toggle the codeblock mode. |
*setcalculator showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
*setcalculator simpleembed | Toggle the simple embed mode. |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
*show_calendar |
Author(s): TrustyJAID, crhallberg and Cards Against Humanity®️
Command | Description |
*cah | Cards Against Humanity®️ commands |
*cah list | List all the available set names. |
*cah start | Start a game of Cards Against Humanity®️ |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
*read | |
Author(s): flare(flare#0001)
Command | Description |
*cashdrop | Manage the cashdrop |
Aliases: cd
*cashdrop chance | Set the chance percent of the cashdrop |
*cashdrop channel | Set the channel for the cashdrop |
*cashdrop interval | Set the interval in seconds between cashdrops |
*cashdrop maths | Toggle maths mode |
*cashdrop max | Set the max credits |
*cashdrop min | Set the min credits |
*cashdrop toggle | Toggle the cashdrop |
Author(s): Eris
Command | Description |
*chat | Engages in a chat conversation using a custom GPT-4 prompt and create an active thread if not already in one. |
*expand | Expands an image based on the user's prompt using an AI model. |
*image | Generates an image based on the user's prompt using the DALL-E 3 model. |
*images | Generates multiple images based on the user's prompt using the DALL-E 2 model. |
*rewind | Rewinds the chat in an active thread by removing the bot's latest responses and the associated user input. |
*setmodel | Sets a custom model for this server's GPT based interactions. Current options are found here - |
*setprompt | Sets a custom prompt for this server's GPT-4 based interactions. |
*showprompt | Displays the current custom GPT-4 prompt for this server. |
*tarot | Provides a tarot card reading interpreted by Wrin Sivinxi. |
Show activity.
Author(s): aikaterna and Redjumpman
Command | Description |
*ccallow | Remove a channel from the deny list to allow chatchart use. |
*ccdeny | Add a channel to deny chatchart use. |
*ccdenylist | List the channels that are denied. |
*chatchart | Generates a pie chart, representing the last 5000 messages in the specified channel. |
*serverchart | Generates a pie chart, representing the last 1000 messages from every allowed channel in the server. |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
*check | |
Cog to Play chess!
Author(s): WildStriker (WildStriker#6222)
Command | Description |
*chess | manage chess games |
*chess draw | draw related commands |
*chess draw byagreement | Offer draw by agreement |
*chess draw claim | if valid claim made to draw the game will end with no victor |
*chess list | list all available games |
*chess move | move the next game piece, using Standard Algebraic Notation |
*chess scoreboard | scoreboard related commands |
*chess scoreboard find | find a player's score. If none is provided this will look for the requester's score |
*chess scoreboard list | list users scoreboard from highest to lowest |
*chess show | reposts the last gameboard state |
*chess start | start a new game |
Create Papers Please citations
Citation generation from https://gitlab.com/Saphire/citations
Author(s): Saphire and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*citate | Generate a citation from papers please |
*citate advanced | Generate a citation from papers please |
*citate set | Set citation settings for the server. |
*citate set maketheme | Create your own custom theme to be used for advanced citation |
*citate set penalty | Set the citation penalty for the server. |
*citate set theme | Set the citation theme to be used on this server |
*citate set title | Set the citation title for the server. |
This cog contains commands used for "cleaning up" (deleting) messages.
This is designed as a moderator tool and offers many convenient use cases.
All cleanup commands only apply to the channel the command is executed in.
Messages older than two weeks cannot be mass deleted.
This is a limitation of the API.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*cleanup | Base command for deleting messages. |
*cleanup after | Delete all messages after a specified message. |
*cleanup before | Deletes X messages before the specified message. |
*cleanup between | Delete the messages between Message One and Message Two, providing the messages IDs. |
*cleanup bot | Clean up command messages and messages from the bot in the current channel. |
*cleanup duplicates | Deletes duplicate messages in the channel from the last X messages and keeps only one copy. |
*cleanup messages | Delete the last X messages in the current channel. |
*cleanup self | Clean up messages owned by the bot in the current channel. |
*cleanup text | Delete the last X messages matching the specified text in the current channel. |
*cleanup user | Delete the last X messages from a specified user in the current channel. |
*cleanupset | Manage the settings for the cleanup command. |
*cleanupset notify | Toggle clean up notification settings. |
Cog for
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*conquest | Base command for conquest cog. Start with |
*conquest blank | Print the blank version of the current map, for reference. |
*conquest current | Send the current map. |
*conquest list | List currently available maps |
*conquest multitake | |
*conquest numbered | Print the numbered version of the current map, for reference. |
*conquest set | Base command for admin actions like selecting a map |
*conquest set load | Load a saved map to be the current map |
*conquest set map | Select a map from current available maps |
*conquest set resetzoom | Resets the zoom level of the current map |
*conquest set save | Save the current map to be loaded later |
*conquest set zoom | Set the zoom level and position of the current map |
*conquest set zoomtest | Test the zoom level and position of the current map |
*conquest take | Claim a territory or list of territories for a specified color |
Some converters.
Author(s): Predä
Command | Description |
*conv | Some utility converters. |
Aliases: converter
*conv celsius | Convert degree Celsius to Fahrenheit or Kelvin. |
Aliases: c
*conv celsius fahrenheit | Convert degree Celsius to Fahrenheit. |
*conv celsius kelvin | Convert degree Celsius to Kelvin. |
*conv fahrenheit | Convert Fahrenheit degree to Celsius or Kelvin. |
Aliases: f
*conv fahrenheit celsius | Convert Fahrenheit degree to Celsius. |
*conv fahrenheit kelvin | Convert Fahrenheit degree to Kelvin. |
*conv ft | Convert feet to meters. |
*conv ft m | Convert feet to meters. |
*conv kelvin | Convert Kelvin degree to Celsius or Fahrenheit. |
Aliases: k
*conv kelvin celsius | Convert Kelvin degree to Celsius. |
*conv kelvin fahrenheit | Convert Kelvin degree to Fahrenheit. |
*conv kg | Convert kilograms to pounds. |
*conv kg lb | Convert kilograms to pounds. |
*conv km | Convert kilometers to miles. |
*conv km mi | Convert kilometers to miles. |
*conv lb | Convert pounds to kilograms. |
*conv lb kg | Convert pounds to kilograms. |
*conv m | Convert meters to feet. |
*conv m ft | Convert meters to feet. |
*conv mi | Convert miles to kilometers. |
*conv mi km | Convert miles to kilometers. |
*conv mm | Convert millimeters to inches. |
*conv mm in | Convert millimeters to inches. |
*conv todate | Convert a unix timestamp to a readable datetime. |
*conv tounix | Convert a date to a unix timestamp. |
The Core cog has many commands related to core functions.
These commands come loaded with every Red bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*autoimmune | Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions. |
*autoimmune add | Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions. |
*autoimmune isimmune | Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions. |
*autoimmune list | Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity. |
*autoimmune remove | Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions. |
*bankset | Base command for bank settings. |
*bankset bankname | Set the bank's name. |
*bankset creditsname | Set the name for the bank's currency. |
*bankset maxbal | Set the maximum balance a user can get. |
*bankset prune | Base command for pruning bank accounts. |
*bankset prune server | Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server. |
*bankset prune user | Delete the bank account of a specified user. |
*bankset registeramount | Set the initial balance for new bank accounts. |
*bankset reset | Delete all bank accounts. |
*bankset showsettings | Show the current bank settings. |
*command | Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs. |
*command disable | Disable a command. |
*command disable server | Disable a command in this server only. |
*command disablecog | Disable a cog in this server. |
*command enable | Enable a command. |
*command enable server | Enable a command in this server. |
*command enablecog | Enable a cog in this server. |
*command listdisabled | List disabled commands. |
*command listdisabled global | List disabled commands globally. |
*command listdisabled guild | List disabled commands in this server. |
*command listdisabledcogs | List the cogs which are disabled in this server. |
*contact | Sends a message to the owner. |
*credits | Credits for everyone that have helped to make this bot possible. |
*embedset | Commands for toggling embeds on or off. |
*embedset channel | Set's a channel's embed setting. |
*embedset command | Sets a command's embed setting. |
*embedset command server | Sets a command's embed setting for the current server. |
*embedset server | Set the server's embed setting. |
*embedset showsettings | Show the current embed settings. |
*embedset user | Sets personal embed setting for DMs. |
*ignore | Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list. |
*ignore channel | Ignore commands in the channel, thread, or category. |
*ignore list | List the currently ignored servers and channels. |
*ignore server | Ignore commands in this server. |
Aliases: guild
*info | Shows info about [botname]. |
*invite | Shows [botname]'s invite url. |
*licenseinfo | Get info about Red's licenses. |
Aliases: licenceinfo
*localallowlist | Commands to manage the server specific allowlist. |
Aliases: localwhitelist
*localallowlist add | Adds a user or role to the server allowlist. |
*localallowlist clear | Clears the allowlist. |
*localallowlist list | Lists users and roles on the server allowlist. |
*localallowlist remove | Removes user or role from the allowlist. |
*localblocklist | Commands to manage the server specific blocklist. |
Aliases: localblacklist
*localblocklist add | Adds a user or role to the local blocklist. |
*localblocklist clear | Clears the server blocklist. |
*localblocklist list | Lists users and roles on the server blocklist. |
*localblocklist remove | Removes user or role from local blocklist. |
*modlogset | Manage modlog settings. |
*modlogset cases | Enable or disable case creation for a mod action. |
*modlogset modlog | Set a channel as the modlog. |
*modlogset resetcases | Reset all modlog cases in this server. |
*mydata | Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you. |
*mydata 3rdparty | View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module. |
*mydata forgetme | Have [botname] forget what it knows about you. |
*mydata getmydata | [Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you. |
*mydata whatdata | Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why. |
*set | Commands for changing [botname]'s settings. |
*set bot | Commands for changing [botname]'s metadata. |
Aliases: metadata
*set bot nickname | Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server. |
*set deletedelay | Set the delay until the bot removes the command message. |
*set locale | Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
*set locale server | Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
*set regionalformat | Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
*set regionalformat server | Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
*set roles | Set server's admin and mod roles for [botname]. |
*set roles addadminrole | Adds an admin role for this server. |
*set roles addmodrole | Adds a moderator role for this server. |
*set roles removeadminrole | Removes an admin role for this server. |
*set roles removemodrole | Removes a mod role for this server. |
*set serverfuzzy | Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server. |
*set serverprefix | Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es). |
*set showsettings | Show the current settings for [botname]. |
*set usebotcolour | Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds. |
Aliases: usebotcolor
*unignore | Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list. |
*unignore channel | Remove a channel, thread, or category from the ignore list. |
*unignore server | Remove this server from the ignore list. |
Aliases: guild
*uptime | Shows [botname]'s uptime. |
Cog for a counting game with leaderboards, custom reactions, per-guild configuration, and optional shame role.
Author(s): fakesmile
Command | Description |
*countinglb | Displays the leaderboard in an embed. |
Aliases: countingboard, countingleaderboard
*countingsetchannel | Sets the channel for the counting game. If no channel is provided, a new one is created. |
*countingsetshamerole | Sets the shame role for incorrect counting (optional). |
*currentnumber | Displays the current number in the counting game. |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
*add_case | Add a new court case. |
*court_help | Display help for court commands. |
*courtsettings | Manage court settings. |
Aliases: courtset
*courtsettings reset | Reset court settings. |
*list_cases | List all court cases. |
*remove_case | Remove a court case. |
Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus Stats).
Author(s): flare(flare#0001)
Command | Description |
*covid | Stats about Covid-19 or countries if provided. |
*covid continent | Stats about Covid-19 for a particular continent. |
*covid highestcases | Show the highest cases from countrys overall. |
*covid highestdeaths | Show the highest deaths from countrys overall. |
*covid state | Show stats for specific states. |
*covid state yesterday | Show stats for yesterday for specific states. |
*covid todaycases | Show the highest cases from countrys today. |
*covid todaydeaths | Show the highest deaths from countrys today. |
*covid topcases | Show X countries with top amount of cases. |
*covid topcasestoday | Show X countries with top amount of cases today. |
*covid topdeaths | Show X countries with top amount of deaths. |
*covid topdeathstoday | Show X countries with top amount of deaths today. |
*covid vaccine | Stats about Covid-19 vaccinate data globally or per country. |
*covid yesterday | Show the statistics from yesterday for countries. |
*covidnews | Covid News from a Country - County must be 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code. |
Get COVID-19 graphs.
Author(s): Vexed#0714
Command | Description |
*covidgraph | Get graphs of COVID-19 data. |
*covidgraph cases | Get the number of confirmed cases in a country. |
*covidgraph deaths | Get the number of deaths in a country. |
*covidgraph vaccines | Get the number of vaccine doses administered in a country. |
Create your very own crab rave
Author(s): DankMemer Team, TrustyJAID and thisisjvgrace
Command | Description |
*crab | Make crab rave videos |
*miku | Make miku rave videos |
Author(s): bencos18
Command | Description |
*currency | |
*rates | |
This cog contains commands for creating and managing custom commands that display text.
These are useful for storing information members might need, like FAQ answers or invite links.
Custom commands can be used by anyone by default, so be careful with pings.
Commands can only be lowercase, and will not respond to any uppercase letters.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*customcom | Base command for Custom Commands management. |
Aliases: cc
*customcom cooldown | Set, edit, or view the cooldown for a custom command. |
*customcom create | Create custom commands. |
*customcom create random | Create a CC where it will randomly choose a response! |
*customcom create simple | Add a simple custom command. |
*customcom delete | Delete a custom command. |
*customcom edit | Edit a custom command. |
*customcom list | List all available custom commands. |
*customcom raw | Get the raw response of a custom command, to get the proper markdown. |
*customcom search | Searches through custom commands, according to the query. |
*customcom show | Shows a custom command's responses and its settings. |
Dad jokes
Nicknaming user idea comes from https://github.com/Vexs/DadBot
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*dad | Dad joke superhub |
*dad cooldown | Set the auto-joke cooldown in seconds |
*dad nickname | Toggle nicknaming |
*dad toggle | Toggle automatic dad jokes on or off |
*dadjoke |
Interact with your bot through a web Dashboard!
**Installation guide:** https://red-web-dashboard.readthedocs.io/en/latest
⚠️ This package is a fork of Neuro Assassin's work, and isn't endorsed by the Org at all.
Author(s): AAA3A and Neuro Assassin
Command | Description |
*dashboard | Get the link to the Dashboard. |
Author(s): Glas
Command | Description |
*deals | Returns a list of deals |
*risks | Warns you about risks of using keyshops |
Deepfries memes.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
*deepfry | Deepfries images. |
*deepfryset | Config options for deepfry. |
*deepfryset allowalltypes | Allow filetypes that have not been verified to be valid. |
*deepfryset frychance | Change the rate images are automatically deepfried. |
*deepfryset nukechance | Change the rate images are automatically nuked. |
*nuke | Demolishes images. |
Server DEFCON Levels
Author(s): FlapJack
Command | Description |
*defcon | Reports the server DEFCON level. |
*defcon+ | Elevates the server DEFCON level. |
*defcon- | Lowers the server DEFCON level. |
*defconchan | Constrain defcon alerts to a specific channel. |
*setdefcon | Manually set the server DEFCON level in case of emergency. |
Set a reminder to bump on Disboard.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
*bumpreminder | Set a reminder to bump on Disboard. |
Aliases: bprm
*bumpreminder channel | Set the channel to send bump reminders to. |
*bumpreminder clean | Toggle whether [botname] should keep the bump channel "clean." |
*bumpreminder lock | Toggle whether the bot should automatically lock/unlock the bump channel. |
*bumpreminder message | Change the message used for reminders. Providing no message will reset to the default message. |
*bumpreminder pingrole | Set a role to ping for bump reminders. |
*bumpreminder settings | Show your Bump Reminder settings. |
*bumpreminder thankyou | Change the message used for 'Thank You' messages. Providing no message will reset to the default message. |
A cog to use Discord Modals, forms with graphic interface!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*discordmodals | Group of commands to use DiscordModals. |
*discordmodals add | Add a Modal for a message. |
*discordmodals list | List all Modals of this server or display the settings for a specific one. |
*discordmodals remove | Remove a Modal for a message. |
Manage And Log Builtin Discord Polls.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
*discordpolls | Base command to manage polls. |
Aliases: discordpoll, dpoll
*discordpolls answer | View info a specific answer of a poll. |
*discordpolls answers | View all the answers of a poll. |
*discordpolls create | Create a poll. |
*discordpolls end | End a poll owned by [botname]. |
*discordpolls giveroles | Mass apply role to all the voters of a specific answer in a poll. |
*discordpolls log | Logging Configuration Commands For Polls. |
Aliases: logging
*discordpolls log channel | Configure the logging channel. |
*discordpolls log message | Configure the poll logging message. |
*discordpolls log settings | View the settings for poll logging. |
Aliases: showsettings, show, ss
*discordpolls log toggle | Toggle poll logging in this server. |
A cog to edit roles!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*discordsearch | Search for a message on Discord in a channel. |
Interact with dnd5eapi.co
Author(s): Skylark95
Command | Description |
*classes | List character classes |
*condition | Get info about a condition |
*conditions | List conditions |
*healing | Get info about Potions of Healing |
Aliases: heal
*school | Get info about a magic school |
*schools | List magic schools |
Aliases: magics
*spell | Get info about a spell |
*spells | List spells by level and optionally class |
Install community cogs made by Cog Creators.
Community cogs, also called third party cogs, are not included
in the default Red install.
Community cogs come in repositories. Repos are a group of cogs
you can install. You always need to add the creator's repository
using the `[p]repo` command before you can install one or more
cogs from the creator.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*findcog | Find which cog a command comes from. |
Get rich and have fun with imaginary currency!
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*bank | Base command to manage the bank. |
*bank balance | Show the user's account balance. |
*bank set | Set the balance of a user's bank account. |
*bank transfer | Transfer currency to other users. |
*economyset | Base command to manage Economy settings. |
*economyset paydayamount | Set the amount earned each payday. |
*economyset paydaytime | Set the cooldown for the payday command. |
*economyset rolepaydayamount | Set the amount earned each payday for a role. |
*economyset showsettings | Shows the current economy settings |
*economyset slotmax | Set the maximum slot machine bid. |
*economyset slotmin | Set the minimum slot machine bid. |
*economyset slottime | Set the cooldown for the slot machine. |
*leaderboard | Print the leaderboard. |
*payday | Get some free currency. |
*payouts | Show the payouts for the slot machine. |
*slot | Use the slot machine. |
Track your economy's total balance over time
Also track you server's member count!
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
*bankgraph | View bank status over a period of time. |
*economytrack | Configure EconomyTrack |
Aliases: ecotrack
*economytrack timezone | Set your desired timezone for the graph |
*economytrack togglebanktrack | Enable/Disable economy tracking for this server |
*economytrack togglemembertrack | Enable/Disable member tracking for this server |
*economytrack view | View EconomyTrack Settings |
*membergraph | View member count over a period of time. |
*remoutliers | Cleanup data above a certain total economy balance |
Create, send, and store rich embeds, from Red-Dashboard too!
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and AAA3A
Command | Description |
*embed | Post a simple embed with a color, a title and a description. |
*embed dashboard | Get the link to the Dashboard. |
*embed download | Download a JSON file for a message's embed(s). |
*embed downloadstored | Download a JSON file for a stored embed. |
*embed edit | Edit a message sent by [botname]. |
*embed fromfile | Post an embed from a valid JSON file (upload it). |
*embed info | Get info about a stored embed. |
*embed json | Post embeds from valid JSON. |
*embed list | Get info about a stored embed. |
*embed message | Post embed(s) from an existing message. |
*embed pastebin | Post embeds from a GitHub/Gist/Pastebin/Hastebin link containing valid JSON. |
*embed poststored | Post stored embeds. |
*embed postwebhook | Post stored embeds with a webhook. |
*embed store | Store an embed. |
*embed unstore | Remove a stored embed. |
*embed yaml | Post embeds from valid YAML. |
*embed yamlfile | Post an embed from a valid YAML file (upload it). |
Author(s): bencos18 (492089091320446976)
Command | Description |
*emojilink | Emoji related commands. |
*emojilink add | Add a custom emoji to the server from a given URL. |
*emojilink copy | Copy a custom emoji from one server to another. |
*emojilink delete | Delete a custom emoji from the server. |
*emojilink getlink | Get the link for a Discord emoji. |
*emojilink info | Get information about a specific custom emoji, including its name, ID, and creation date. |
*emojilink list | List all custom emojis in the server along with their names and links. |
*emojilink random | Get a link for a random custom emoji in the server. |
*emojilink rename | Rename a custom emoji in the server. |
*emojilink search | Search for custom emojis based on their names or keywords. |
Convert messages into fun encodings
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*decode | Decode a string. |
*decode b16 | Decode base16 text |
*decode b32 | Decode base32 text |
*decode b64 | Decode base 64 text |
*decode binary | Decode binary sequences of 8 |
*decode braille | Decide braille unicode characters to ascii |
*decode chr | Decode character numbers to a message |
*decode dna | Decodes a string of DNA in 4 byte ACGT format. |
*decode hex | Decode a hexadecimal sequence to text |
*decode rot | Decode a caeser cipher message with specified key |
*encode | Encode a string. |
*encode b16 | Encode text into base 16 |
*encode b32 | Encode text into base 32 |
*encode b64 | Encode text into base 64 |
*encode binary | Encode text into binary sequences of 8 |
*encode braille | Encode text into braille unicode characters |
*encode chr | Encode message into character numbers |
*encode dna | Encodes a string into DNA 4 byte ACGT format |
*encode hex | Encode text into hexadecimal |
*encode rot | Encode a caeser cipher message with specified key |
*hash | Various hashing commands |
*hash md5 | MD5 Hash some Text |
*hash sha1 | SHA1 Hash some Text |
*hash sha256 | SHA256 Hash some Text |
*hash sha512 | SHA512 Hash some Text |
Author(s): Eris
Command | Description |
*econf | |
*econf blacklist | Adds a channel to the blacklist |
*econf disable | |
*econf enable | |
*econf reset | Resets guild white/blacklists to original settings. |
*econf show | Shows current status for global toggle and guild-specific white/blacklists. |
*econf timeout | |
*econf whitelist | Adds a channel to the whitelist |
Author(s): Neuro Assassin
Command | Description |
Aliases: e, evo
*evolution backyard | Where ya animals live! Pass 1 or true to put it in a menu. |
*evolution deletemydata | Delete your game data. |
*evolution evolve | Evolve them animals to get more of da economy credits |
*evolution market | Buy or sell animals from different sellers |
*evolution market daily | View the daily deals. |
*evolution market store | Buy animals from the always in-stock store. |
*evolution start | Start your adventure... |
*evolution stash | Where your special animals are put if you cannot hold them in your backyard |
*evolution stash claim | Claim animals or perks from your stash. |
*evolution stash claim animal | Claim animals from your stash |
*evolution stash view | View the animals and perks you have in your stash |
Extended modlogs
Works with core modlogset channel
Author(s): RePulsar and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*modlog | Toggle various extended modlog notifications |
Aliases: modlogtoggle, modlogs
*modlog all | Turn all logging options on or off. |
*modlog bot | Bot filter settings. |
Aliases: bots
*modlog bot change | Toggle bots from being logged in user updates. |
*modlog bot deletes | Toggle message delete notifications for bot users. |
Aliases: delete
*modlog bot edits | Toggle message edit notifications for bot users. |
Aliases: edit
*modlog bot voice | Toggle bots from being logged in voice state updates. |
*modlog channel | Set the channel for modlogs. |
*modlog colour | Set custom colours for modlog events |
*modlog commandlevel | Set the level of commands to be logged. |
*modlog delete | Delete logging settings. |
*modlog delete bulkdelete | Toggle bulk message delete notifications. |
*modlog delete cachedonly | Toggle message delete notifications for non-cached messages. |
*modlog delete ignorecommands | Toggle message delete notifications for valid bot command messages. |
*modlog delete individual | Toggle individual message delete notifications for bulk message delete. |
*modlog embeds | Set modlog events to use embeds or text |
*modlog emojiset | Set the emoji used in text modlogs. |
*modlog ignore | Ignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
*modlog member | Toggle individual member update settings. |
Aliases: members, memberchanges
*modlog member all | Set all member update settings. |
*modlog member avatar | Toggle avatar updates for member changes. |
*modlog member flags | Toggle flags updates for members. |
*modlog member nickname | Toggle nickname updates for member changes. |
Aliases: nicknames
*modlog member pending | Toggle pending updates for members. |
*modlog member roles | Toggle role updates for members. |
Aliases: role
*modlog member settings | Show the current settings on member updates. |
*modlog member timeout | Toggle timeout updates for members. |
*modlog resetchannel | Reset the modlog event to the default modlog channel. |
*modlog settings | Show the servers current ExtendedModlog settings |
*modlog toggle | Turn on and off specific modlog actions |
*modlog unignore | Unignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
F1 data.
Author(s): flare
Command | Description |
*f1 | F1 Group Command |
*f1 circuits | F1 circuits by season year. |
*f1 constructors | F1 constructors by season year. |
*f1 drivers | F1 drivers by season year. |
*f1 next | Find out when the next F1 Grand Prix is scheduled to take place. |
*f1 notify | Optionally, ping a role during the Race Day notifications. |
*f1 qualifying | F1 race result. |
*f1 race | F1 race result. |
*f1 recent | F1 most recent race result. |
*f1 schedule | F1 schedule by season year. |
*f1 standings | F1 Standings |
*f1 standings constructors | |
*f1 standings drivers | |
*f1 subscribe | Subscribe a channel to F1 Race Day notifications. |
Fake moderation tools to prank your friends!
Author(s): Kuro
Command | Description |
*bam | Fake ban a user. |
*fakemodlogset | Manage fake modlog settings. |
*fakemodlogset emoji | Set an emoji for a fake mod action. |
*fakemodlogset modlog | Set a channel as the fake modlog. |
*fakemodlogset resetcases | Reset all fake modlog cases in this server. |
*kik | Fake kick a member. |
*myut | Fake mute a member. |
*worn | Fake warn a member for the specified reason. |
This cog is designed for "filtering" unwanted words and phrases from a server.
It provides tools to manage a list of words or sentences, and to customize automatic actions to be taken against users who use those words in channels or in their name/nickname.
This can be used to prevent inappropriate language, off-topic discussions, invite links, and more.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*filter | Base command to add or remove words from the server filter. |
*filter add | Add words to the filter. |
*filter channel | Base command to add or remove words from the channel filter. |
*filter channel add | Add words to the filter. |
*filter channel clear | Clears this channel's filter list. |
*filter channel delete | Remove words from the filter. |
*filter channel list | Send a list of the channel's filtered words. |
*filter clear | Clears this server's filter list. |
*filter delete | Remove words from the filter. |
*filter list | Send a list of this server's filtered words. |
*filter names | Toggle name and nickname filtering. |
*filterset | Base command to manage filter settings. |
*filterset ban | Set the filter's autoban conditions. |
*filterset defaultname | Set the nickname for users with a filtered name. |
Provides a link to the first message in the provided channel
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*firstmessage | Provide a link to the first message in current or provided channel. |
Seamless translation between two languages in one channel. Or manual translation to various languages.
Fluent uses google translate by default, with [Flowery](https://flowery.pw/) as a fallback.
Fluent also supports the [Deepl](https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer) tranlsation api.
1. Register your free Deepl account **[Here](https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer)**.
2. Obtain your API key **[Here](https://www.deepl.com/account/summary)**.
3. Set your API key with:
`[p]set api deepl key YOUR_KEY_HERE`
If a deepl key is set, it will use that before falling back to google translate and then flowery.
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
*fluent | Base command |
*fluent add | Add a channel and languages to translate between |
*fluent remove | Remove a channel from Fluent |
*fluent view | View all fluent channels |
*serverlocale | Check the current server's locale |
*translate | Translate a message |
Module for fun/meme commands.
RedBot V3 conversion of Appu's Fun cog.
Author(s): Appu and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*oof | React 🅾🇴🇫 to a message. |
*react | Add letter(s) as reaction to previous message. |
*regional | Replace letters with regional indicator emojis. |
*space | Add n spaces between each letter. Ex: |
*textflip | Flip given text. |
*vowelreplace | Replaces all vowels in a word with a letter. |
General commands.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*8 | Ask 8 ball a question. |
*choose | Choose between multiple options. |
*flip | Flip a coin... or a user. |
*lmgtfy | Create a lmgtfy link. |
*roll | Roll a random number. |
*rps | Play Rock Paper Scissors. |
*serverinfo | Show server information. |
*stopwatch | Start or stop the stopwatch. |
Aliases: sw
*urban | Search the Urban Dictionary. |
A cog to get and display some documentations in Discord! Use [p]listsources
to get a list of all the available sources.
Author(s): AAA3A and amyrinbot
Command | Description |
*docs | View rich documentation for a specific node/query. |
*listsources | Shows a list of all sources, those that are available or those that are disabled. |
*rtfm | Show all items matching your search. |
GitHub Cards
Author(s): Kowlin (Kowlin#2536), jack1142 (Jackenmen#6607) and mikeshardmind (Sinbad#1871)
Command | Description |
*ghsearch | Search for issues in GitHub repo. |
*githubcards | GitHubCards settings. |
Aliases: ghc
*githubcards add | Add a new GitHub repository with the given prefix. |
*githubcards instructions | Learn on how to setup GHC |
*githubcards list | List all prefixes for GitHub Cards in this server. |
*githubcards remove | Remove a GitHub repository with its given prefix. |
Grafana graphs in your Discord!
Author(s): Predä and Fixator10
Command | Description |
*graph | Render an image of a selected panel of [botname] metrics. |
*graph list | List all panels that can be used with |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
*guessthenumber |
Le professional hecker.
Author(s): Kuro
Command | Description |
*hack | Hack someone! |
Play hangman with the bot.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
*hangman | Play hangman with the bot. |
*hangmanset | Config options for hangman. |
*hangmanset edit | Set if hangman messages should be one edited message or many individual messages. |
*hangmanset wordlist | Change the wordlist used. |
*hangmanset wordlist current | Show the current wordlist. |
*hangmanset wordlist default | Set the wordlist to the default list. |
*hangmanset wordlist list | List available wordlists. |
Hidden pings cuz its cool ig.
Author(s): sravan
Command | Description |
*hideping | Speak a message using a hidden ping! |
Be notified when keywords are sent.
Author(s): flare#0001
Command | Description |
*highlight | Highlighting Commands. |
*highlight add | Add a word to be highlighted on. |
*highlight blacklist | Manage highlight blacklist. |
*highlight blacklist channel | Add or remove a channel from highlight blacklist. |
*highlight blacklist list | List your blacklist. |
*highlight blacklist user | Add or remove a member from highlight blacklist. |
*highlight bots | Enable highlighting of bot messages. |
*highlight boundary | Use word boundaries for highlighting. |
*highlight cooldown | Set the cooldown for highlighted messages to be sent. Default is 60 seconds. |
*highlight guild | Guild based highlighting commands. |
*highlight guild add | Add a word to be highlighted on for the guild. |
*highlight guild bots | Enable highlighting of bot messages for guild highlights. |
*highlight guild boundary | Use word boundaries for guild highlighting. |
*highlight guild list | Current highlight settings for a channel. |
*highlight guild remove | Remove highlighting for a guild. |
*highlight guild toggle | Toggle highlighting for guild highlights. |
*highlight list | Current highlight settings for a channel. |
*highlight remove | Remove highlighting in a channel. |
*highlight toggle | Toggle highlighting. |
*highlight whitelist | Manage highlight whitelist. |
*highlight whitelist list | List those in your whitelist. |
*highlight whitelist user | Add or remove a member from highlight whitelist. |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
*http | Get info on HTTP status codes. |
Image related commands.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*gif | Retrieve the first search result from Giphy. |
*gifr | Retrieve a random GIF from a Giphy search. |
*imgur | Retrieve pictures from Imgur. |
*imgur search | Search Imgur for the specified term. |
*imgur subreddit | Get images from a subreddit. |
Logs deleted images for moderation purposes.
Author(s): hollowstrawberry
Command | Description |
*imagelog | View the current image log channel. |
*imagelog log_moderator_self_deletes | If disabled, users with Manage Message permission that delete their own image won't be logged. Enabled by default. True or False. |
*imagelog setchannel | Sets the image log channel to the current channel. |
Create various fun images
Author(s): TrustyJAID, Ivan Seidel (isnowillegal.com), Bruno Lemos (isnowillegal.com) and João Pedro (isnowillegal.com)
Command | Description |
*beautiful | Generate a beautiful image using users avatar. |
*facemerge | Generate a gif of two images fading into eachother. |
*feels | Generate a feels image using users avatar and role colour. |
*gwheeze | Generate a gif wheeze image if user has a gif avatar. |
*obama | Synthesize video clips of Obama. |
*pill | Generate a pill image to any colour with hex codes. |
*scrollbanner | Generate a scrolling text gif banner. |
*trump | Generate isnowillegal gif image. |
*wheeze | Generate a wheeze image with text or a user avatar. |
Create a channel with updating server info
This relies on editing channels, which is a strictly rate-limited activity.
As such, updates will not be frequent. Currently capped at 1 per 5 minutes per server.
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*infochannel | Toggle info channel for this server |
*infochannelset | Toggle different types of infochannels |
Aliases: icset
*infochannelset name | Change the name of the infochannel for the specified channel type. |
*infochannelset rolename | Change the name of the infochannel for specific roles. |
*infochannelset togglechannel | Toggles the infochannel for the specified channel type. |
*infochannelset togglerole | Toggle an infochannel that shows the count of users with the specified role |
Airenkun's Insult Cog
Author(s): Airen, JennJenn and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*insult | Insult the user |
Author(s): bencos18
Command | Description |
*invoice | |
Japanese dictionary bot. Searches Jisho using Jisho API.
Author(s): coffeebank
Command | Description |
*jadict | Search Japanese dictionary |
*jasearch | Search Japanese vocabulary and translation websites |
Kill people in interesting ways
More detailed docs: <https://cogs.yamikaitou.dev/kill.html>
Author(s): YamiKaitou#8975 and Paddolicious#8880
Command | Description |
*kill | Kill a user in a random way |
*killset | Configure the kill messages |
*killset add | Add a new kill message. |
*killset bot | Sets the message for killing the bot |
*killset delete | Removes a kill message. Use |
*killset list | List all the kill messages |
*killset self | Sets the message for killing yourself |
*suicide | Commit suicide |
Korean dictionary bot. Searches National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-English Learners' Dictionary.
Author(s): coffeebank
Command | Description |
*kodict | Search Korean dictionary |
*kosearch | Search Korean vocabulary and translation websites |
Interacts with the last.fm API.
Author(s): flare(flare#0001), joinem, fixator10 and ryan
Command | Description |
*crowns | Check yourself or another users crowns. |
*fm | LastFM commands |
*fm artist | Your top tracks or albums for specific artist. |
*fm chart | Visual chart of your top albums, tracks or artists. |
*fm compare | Compare two users music tastes |
*fm compare albums | Compare your top albums with someone else. |
*fm compare artists | Compare your top artists with someone else. |
*fm compare tracks | Compare your top tracks with someone else. |
*fm last | Your weekly listening overview. |
*fm login | Authenticates your last.fm account. |
Aliases: set
*fm logout | Deauthenticates your last.fm account. |
Aliases: unset
*fm love | Love a song on last.fm. |
*fm loved | Get a list of loved songs for a user. |
*fm lyrics | Currently playing song or most recent song. |
*fm nowplaying | Currently playing song or most recent song. |
*fm profile | Lastfm profile. |
*fm recent | Tracks you have recently listened to. |
*fm scrobbler | Toggles automatic scrobbling in VC. |
*fm server | LastFM Server Commands |
*fm server chart | Visual chart of the servers albums, artists or tracks. |
*fm server nowplaying | What people on this server are listening to at the moment. |
Aliases: np
*fm server recent | Tracks recently listened to in this server. |
*fm server topalbums | Most listened albums in the server. |
Aliases: talb
*fm server topartists | Most listened artists in the server. |
Aliases: ta
*fm server toptracks | Most listened tracks in the server. |
Aliases: tt
*fm streak | View how many times you've listened to something in a row |
*fm tag | Commands to tag things |
*fm tag album | Commands to tag albums |
Aliases: albums
*fm tag album add | Add tags to an album |
*fm tag album list | List tags for an album |
*fm tag album remove | Remove tags from an album |
*fm tag artist | Commands to tag tracks |
*fm tag artist add | Add tags to an artist |
*fm tag artist list | List tags for an artist |
*fm tag artist remove | Remove tags from an artist |
*fm tag track | Commands to tag tracks |
Aliases: tracks, song
*fm tag track add | Add tags to a track |
*fm tag track list | List tags for a track |
*fm tag track remove | Remove tags from a track |
*fm topalbums | Most listened albums. |
*fm topartists | Most listened artists. |
*fm toptracks | Most listened tracks. |
*fm unlove | Unlove a song on last.fm. |
*fm wordcloud | WordCloud Commands |
Aliases: cloud, wc
*fm wordcloud albums | Get a picture with the most listened to albums. |
*fm wordcloud artists | Get a picture with the most listened to artists. |
*fm wordcloud tracks | Get a picture with the most listened to tracks. |
*scrobble | Scrobble a song to last.fm. |
*whoknows | Check who has listened to a given artist the most. |
*whoknowsalbum | Check who has listened to a given album the most. |
*whoknowstrack | Check who has listened to a given song the most. |
View how long servers have lasted without a mass mention.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
*lastping | View how long this server has lasted without a mass mention. |
*lastpingauto | Create an auto updating message that shows how long this server has lasted without a mass mention. |
*lastpingauto remove | Remove the current auto updating message. |
Report when a user was last seen online
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*lseen | Just says the time the user was last seen |
*lseenset | Change settings for lseen |
Aliases: setlseen
*lseenset toggle | Toggles tracking seen for this server |
Cog using thespacedevs
API to get details about rocket launches
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*launchlib | Base command for getting launches |
*launchlib next | Show the next launches |
Author(s): bencos18 (492089091320446976)
Command | Description |
*courtorder | Generate a court order with advanced details. |
*courtverdict | Generate a detailed and realistic court verdict with advanced details. |
*legalnotice | Generate a legal notice with advanced details. |
*subpoena | Generate a subpoena with advanced details. |
*warrant | Generate a warrant with advanced details. |
Your friendly neighborhood leveling system
Earn experience by chatting in text and voice channels, compare levels with your friends, customize your profile and view various leaderboards!
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
*lastweekly | View Last Week's Leaderboard |
*leveldata | Admin Only Data Commands |
Aliases: lvldata, ldata
*leveldata backup | Backup this server's data |
*leveldata cleanup | Cleanup the database |
*leveldata importamari | Import levels and exp from AmariBot |
*leveldata importmee6 | Import levels and exp from MEE6 |
*leveldata importpolaris | Import levels and exp from Polaris |
*leveldata reset | Reset all user data in this server |
*leveldata restore | Restore this server's data |
*levelset | Configure LevelUp Settings |
Aliases: lvlset, lset
*levelset addxp | Add XP to a user or role |
*levelset algorithm | Customize the leveling algorithm for your server |
*levelset allowed | Base command for all allowed lists |
*levelset allowed channel | Add/Remove a channel in the allowed list |
*levelset allowed role | Add/Remove a role in the allowed list |
*levelset commandxp | Toggle whether users can gain Exp from running commands |
*levelset dm | Toggle DM notifications |
*levelset embeds | Toggle using embeds or generated pics |
*levelset emojis | Set the emojis used to represent each stat type |
*levelset forcestyle | Force a profile style for all users |
*levelset ignore | Base command for all ignore lists |
*levelset ignore channel | Add/Remove a channel in the ignore list |
*levelset ignore role | Add/Remove a role in the ignore list |
*levelset ignore user | Add/Remove a user in the ignore list |
*levelset levelchannel | Set LevelUp log channel |
*levelset levelnotify | Send levelup message in the channel the user is typing in |
*levelset levelupmessages | Level up alert messages |
Aliases: lvlalerts, levelalerts, lvlmessages, lvlmsg
*levelset levelupmessages dm | Set the DM a user gets when they level up (Without recieving a role). |
*levelset levelupmessages dmrole | Set the DM a user gets when they level up and recieve a role. |
*levelset levelupmessages msg | Set the message sent when a user levels up. |
*levelset levelupmessages msgrole | Set the message sent when a user levels up and recieves a role. |
*levelset levelupmessages view | View the current level up alert messages |
*levelset mention | Toggle whether to mention the user in the level up message |
*levelset messages | Message settings |
Aliases: message, msg
*levelset messages channelbonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain channels |
*levelset messages cooldown | Cooldown threshold for message XP |
*levelset messages length | Set minimum message length for XP |
*levelset messages rolebonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain roles |
*levelset messages xp | Set message XP range |
*levelset prestige | Prestige settings |
*levelset prestige add | Add a role to a prestige level |
*levelset prestige keeproles | Keep level roles after prestiging |
*levelset prestige level | Set the level required to prestige |
*levelset prestige remove | Remove a prestige level |
*levelset prestige stack | Toggle stacking roles on prestige |
*levelset removexp | Remove XP from a user or role |
*levelset resetemojis | Reset the emojis to default |
*levelset rolegroup | Add or remove a role to the role group |
*levelset roles | Level role assignment |
*levelset roles add | Assign a role to a level |
*levelset roles autoremove | Automatic removal of previous level roles |
*levelset roles initialize | Initialize level roles |
Aliases: init
*levelset roles remove | Unassign a role from a level |
*levelset seelevels | Test the level algorithm |
*levelset setlevel | Set a user's level |
*levelset setprestige | Set a user to a specific prestige level |
*levelset showbalance | Toggle whether to show user's economy credit balance in their profile |
Aliases: showbal
*levelset starcooldown | Set the star cooldown |
*levelset starmention | Toggle star reaction mentions |
*levelset starmentiondelete | Toggle whether the bot auto-deletes the star mentions |
*levelset toggle | Toggle the LevelUp system |
*levelset view | View all LevelUP settings |
*levelset voice | Voice settings |
*levelset voice channelbonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain channels |
*levelset voice deafened | Ignore deafened voice users |
*levelset voice invisible | Ignore invisible voice users |
*levelset voice muted | Ignore muted voice users |
*levelset voice rolebonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain roles |
*levelset voice solo | Ignore solo voice users |
*levelset voice streambonus | Add a range of bonus XP to users who are Discord streaming |
*levelset voice xp | Set voice XP gain |
*leveltop | View the LevelUp leaderboard |
*prestige | Prestige your rank! |
*profile | View User Profile |
*roletop | View the leaderboard for roles |
*setprofile | Customize your profile |
Aliases: myprofile, mypf, pfset
*setprofile background | Set a background for your profile |
*setprofile backgrounds | View the all available backgrounds |
*setprofile barcolor | Set a color for your level bar |
*setprofile blur | Toggle a slight blur effect on the background image where the text is displayed. |
*setprofile font | Set a font for your profile |
*setprofile fonts | View the available fonts you can use |
*setprofile namecolor | Set a color for your username |
*setprofile shownick | Toggle whether your nickname or username is shown in your profile |
*setprofile statcolor | Set a color for your server stats |
*setprofile style | Set your profile image style |
*setprofile view | View your profile settings |
*stars | Reward a good noodle |
*starset | Configure LevelUp Star Settings |
*starset cooldown | Set the star cooldown |
*starset mention | Toggle star reaction mentions |
*starset mentiondelete | Toggle whether the bot auto-deletes the star mentions |
*starset view | View Star Settings |
*startop | View the Star Leaderboard |
*weekly | View Weekly Leaderboard |
*weeklyset | Configure Weekly LevelUp Settings |
Aliases: wset
*weeklyset autoremove | Remove role from previous winner when new one is announced |
*weeklyset autoreset | Toggle auto reset of weekly stats |
*weeklyset bonus | Set bonus exp for top weekly winners |
*weeklyset channel | Set channel to announce weekly winners |
*weeklyset day | Set day for weekly stats reset |
*weeklyset hour | Set hour for weekly stats reset |
*weeklyset ping | Toggle whether to ping winners in announcement |
*weeklyset reset | Reset the weekly leaderboard manually and announce winners |
*weeklyset role | Set role to award top weekly winners |
*weeklyset roleall | Toggle whether all winners get the role |
*weeklyset toggle | Toggle weekly stat tracking |
*weeklyset view | View the current weekly settings |
*weeklyset winners | Set number of winners to display |
Get the allowed/disable permissions in a guild or channel for a role or member
Author(s): Neuro Assassin
Command | Description |
*availablepermissions | Generates the permissions of a certain object and puts them in a nice table for you. Only shows the available permissions. |
Aliases: ap
*availablepermissions channel | Generates the permissions of a channel for either a member or a role. |
*availablepermissions channel member | Generates the permissions for a member in a channel. |
*availablepermissions channel role | Generates the basic permissions for a role in a channel. Note that these are only the basic permissions, True or False will only show when the permissions is different from the default permissions of a role. |
*availablepermissions guild | Generates the permissions for a role or member guild wide. These will change between channels. |
*availablepermissions guild member | Generates the guild wide permissions for a member. This only takes into account their guild permissions, not any for specific channels. |
*availablepermissions guild role | Generates the permissions of a role. |
*deniedpermissions | Generates the permissions of a certain object and puts them in a nice table for you. Only shows the denied permissions. |
Aliases: dp
*deniedpermissions channel | Generates the permissions of a channel for either a member or a role. |
*deniedpermissions channel member | Generates the permissions for a member in a channel. |
*deniedpermissions channel role | Generates the basic permissions for a role in a channel. Note that these are only the basic permissions, True or False will only show when the permissions is different from the default permissions of a role. |
*deniedpermissions guild | Generates the permissions for a role or member guild wide. These will change between channels. |
*deniedpermissions guild member | Generates the guild wide permissions for a member. This only takes into account their guild permissions, not any for specific channels. |
*deniedpermissions guild role | Generates the permissions of a role. |
*listpermissions | Generates the permissions of a certain object and puts them in a nice table for you. |
Aliases: lp
*listpermissions channel | Generates the permissions of a channel for either a member or a role. |
*listpermissions channel member | Generates the permissions for a member in a channel. |
*listpermissions channel role | Generates the basic permissions for a role in a channel. Note that these are only the basic permissions, True or False will only show when the permissions is different from the default permissions of a role. |
*listpermissions guild | Generates the permissions for a role or member guild wide. These will change between channels. |
*listpermissions guild member | Generates the guild wide permissions for a member. This only takes into account their guild permissions, not any for specific channels. |
*listpermissions guild role | Generates the permissions of a role. |
Advanced channel and server locking.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
*lock | Lock a channel. |
*lock server | Lock the server. |
*unlock | Unlock a channel. |
*unlock server | Unlock the server. |
*unviewlock | Allow users to view a channel. |
*viewlock | Prevent users from viewing a channel. |
Lockdown guilds or selective channels.
Note: You must have permissions set properly for the bot for this to work properly.
Author(s): SharkyTheKing
Command | Description |
*lockchannel | Lockdown selected channels. |
*lockdown | Lockdown the guild. |
*lockset | Settings for lockdown cog. |
Aliases: lockdownset
*lockset channel | Toggles lockdown status for channels |
*lockset confirm | Make the bot require confirmation message to lockdown. |
*lockset guildreset | Completely wipes guild's config. |
*lockset int | Removes int from config if channel was removed. |
*lockset lockmessage | Message the bot sends when lockdown is triggered. |
*lockset showsettings | Displays guild's lockdown settings. |
*lockset unlockmessage | Message the bot sends when unlockdown is triggered. |
*unlockchannel | Unlocks selected channels. |
*unlockdown | Ends the lockdown for the guild |
Translate things into lots of languages then back to English!
This will defiantly have some funny moments... Take everything with a pinch of salt!
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*madtranslate | Translate something into lots of languages, then back to English! |
*mtransseed | Use a count-seed pair to (hopefully) get reproducible results. |
Create Maps to be used with Conquest
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
*mapmaker | Base command for managing current maps or creating new ones |
*mapmaker load | Load an existing map to be modified. |
*mapmaker upload | Load a map image to be modified. Upload one with this command or provide a path |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
*mccommand | Run a command on the Minecraft server. |
*whitelister | MCWhitelister commands |
*whitelister add | Add yourself to the whitelist. |
*whitelister addmin | Add someone else to the whitelist manually. |
*whitelister adminremove | Remove someone else from the whitelist manually. |
*whitelister list | See who is whitelisted on your server. |
*whitelister remove | Remove yourself from the whitelist. |
*whitelister setup | Set up MCWhitelister. |
Get info about a Minecraft server.
This only supports Java edition servers at this time.
Also available is a server tracker that allows displaying a server and
automatically updating its information while the cog is loaded.
Author(s): palmtree5
Command | Description |
*addserver | Set a server to track. |
*delserver | Removes a server from the tracker |
*mcserver | Display info about the specified server |
*mcset | Settings for the server tracker |
*mcset mode | Sets the server tracker mode for the guild. |
Get detailed information about your Mee6 rank.
Author(s): Jakub Kuczys (https://github.com/Jackenmen)
Command | Description |
*mee6rank | Get detailed information about Mee6 rank for you or given member. |
*mee6rankimage | Get Mee6 rank image for you or given member. |
Ping the bot to see its prefixes.
Author(s): Draper and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*mentiontoggle | Toggle whether mentioning the bot will send a help message. |
A cog to display informations about Minecraft Java users and servers, and notify for each change of a server!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*minecraft | Get informations about Minecraft Java. |
*minecraft addserver | Add a Minecraft Java server in Config to get automatically new status. |
*minecraft checkplayers | Include players joining or leaving the server in notifications. |
*minecraft editlastmessage | Edit the last message sent for changes. |
*minecraft getplayerskin | Get Minecraft Java player skin by name. |
*minecraft getserver | Get informations about a Minecraft Java server. |
*minecraft removeserver | Remove a Minecraft Java server in Config. |
Moderation tools.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*ban | Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages. |
*kick | Kick a user. |
*massban | Mass bans user(s) from the server. |
*modset | Manage server administration settings. |
*modset defaultdays | Set the default number of days worth of messages to be deleted when a user is banned. |
*modset defaultduration | Set the default time to be used when a user is tempbanned. |
*modset deleterepeats | Enable auto-deletion of repeated messages. |
*modset dm | Toggle whether a message should be sent to a user when they are kicked/banned. |
*modset hierarchy | Toggle role hierarchy check for mods and admins. |
*modset mentionspam | Manage the automoderation settings for mentionspam. |
*modset mentionspam ban | Set the autoban conditions for mention spam. |
*modset mentionspam kick | Sets the autokick conditions for mention spam. |
*modset mentionspam strict | Setting to account for duplicate mentions. |
*modset mentionspam warn | Sets the autowarn conditions for mention spam. |
*modset reinvite | Toggle whether an invite will be sent to a user when unbanned. |
*modset showsettings | Show the current server administration settings. |
*modset tracknicknames | Toggle whether server nickname changes should be tracked. |
*names | Show previous usernames, global display names, and server nicknames of a member. |
*rename | Change a member's server nickname. |
*slowmode | Changes thread's or text channel's slowmode setting. |
*softban | Kick a user and delete 1 day's worth of their messages. |
*tempban | Temporarily ban a user from this server. |
*unban | Unban a user from this server. |
*userinfo | Show information about a member. |
*voiceban | Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
*voicekick | Kick a member from a voice channel. |
*voiceunban | Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
Browse and manage modlog cases. To manage modlog settings, use [p]modlogset
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*case | Show the specified case. |
*casesfor | Display cases for the specified member. |
*listcases | List cases for the specified member. |
*reason | Specify a reason for a modlog case. |
A mod note cog for moderators to add notes to users
Author(s): Jojo#7791
Command | Description |
*modnote | Create a note for a user. This user cannot be a bot. |
*modnote edit | Edit a note on a user. This user cannot be a bot. |
*modnote list | List the notes on a certain user. |
*modnote listall | List all the members with notes in this guild |
*modnote remove | Remove a note from a user. This user cannot be a bot. |
*modnoteset | Setup modnotes |
*modnoteset nonauthoredits | Allow any moderator to edit notes, regardless of who authored it |
*modnoteset usemodlog | Toggle whether to use the modlog or not. |
Play monopoly with 2-8 people.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
*monopoly | Play monopoly with 2-8 people. |
*monopoly delete | Delete one or more save files. |
*monopoly list | List available save files. |
*monopolyset | Config options for monopoly. |
*monopolyset auction | Set if properties should be auctioned when passed on. |
*monopolyset bail | Set how much bail should cost. |
*monopolyset darkmode | Set if the board should be a darker varient. |
*monopolyset doublego | Set if landing on go should double the amount of money given. |
*monopolyset freeparking | Set the reward for landing on free parking. |
*monopolyset go | Set the base value of passing go. |
*monopolyset hotellimit | Set a limit on the number of hotels that can be bought. |
*monopolyset houselimit | Set a limit on the number of houses that can be bought. |
*monopolyset income | Set how much Income Tax should cost. |
*monopolyset luxury | Set how much Luxury Tax should cost. |
*monopolyset maxjailrolls | Set the maximum number of rolls in jail before bail has to be paid. |
*monopolyset mention | Set if players should be mentioned when their turn begins. |
*monopolyset minraise | Set the minimum raise in auctions. |
*monopolyset startingcash | Set how much money players should start the game with. |
*monopolyset thread | Set if a thread should be created per-game to contain game messages. |
*monopolyset timeout | Set the amount of time before the game times out. |
*monopolystop | Stop the game of monopoly in this channel. |
Encoder/Decoder for morse codes!
You can decode morse code into text or encode text into morse code.
This was a simple cog to make, so if you want to take from this for your own, feel free.
Author(s): SharkyTheKing
Command | Description |
*morse | Decode or Encode Morse code! |
*morse decode | Decode morse code into text! |
*morse encode | Encode text into morse code! |
Mute users temporarily or indefinitely.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*activemutes | Displays active mutes on this server. |
*mute | Mute users. |
*mutechannel | Mute a user in the current text channel (or in the parent of the current thread). |
*muteset | Mute settings. |
*muteset defaulttime | Set the default mute time for the mute command. |
*muteset makerole | Create a Muted role. |
*muteset notification | Set the notification channel for automatic unmute issues. |