238 Cogs with 2.6k Commands
Play a random match of Acrononym game, with Modals!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*acronymgame | Play a random match of Acronym game. |
Aliases: acronym, acro
Discord Voice Channel Activities.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
*activity | Base command for creating activity invite links. |
*activity askaway | Create an activity invite link for Ask Away. |
*activity awkword | Create an activity invite link for Awkword. |
*activity bashout | Create an activity invite link for Bash Out |
*activity betrayal | Create an activity invite link for Betrayal. |
*activity blazing8s | Create an activity invite link for Blazing 8s. |
*activity bobbleleague | Create an activity invite link for Bobble League. |
*activity checkersinthepark | Create an activity invite link for Checkers In The Park. |
*activity chessinthepark | Create an activity invite link for Chess In The Park. |
*activity decoder | Create an activity invite link for Decoder. |
*activity doodlecrew | Create an activity invite link for Doodle Crew. |
*activity fishington | Create an activity invite link for Fishington. |
*activity garticphone | Create an activity invite link for Gartic Phone. |
*activity jamspace | Create an activity invite link for Jamspace. |
*activity knowwhatimeme | Create an activity invite link for Know What I Meme. |
*activity landio | Create an activity invite link for Land IO. |
*activity letterleague | Create an activity invite link for Letter League. |
*activity pokernight | Create an activity invite link for Poker Night. |
*activity puttparty | Create an activity invite link for Putt Party. |
*activity putts | Create an activity invite link for Putts. |
*activity sketchheads | Create an activity invite link for Sketch Heads. |
*activity sketchyartist | Create an activity invite link for Sketchy Artist. |
*activity spellcast | Create an activity invite link for Spell Cast. |
*activity watchtogether | Create an activity invite link for Watch Together. |
*activity wordsnacks | Create an activity invite link for Word Snacks. |
*activity youtubetogether | Create an activity invite link for Youtube Together. |
A collection of server administration utilities.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*addrole | Add a role to a user. |
*announceset | Change how announcements are sent in this guild. |
*announceset channel | Change the channel where the bot will send announcements. |
*announceset clearchannel | Unsets the channel for announcements. |
*editrole | Edit role settings. |
*editrole colour | Edit a role's colour. |
*editrole name | Edit a role's name. |
*removerole | Remove a role from a user. |
*selfrole | Add or remove a selfrole from yourself. |
*selfrole list | Lists all available selfroles. |
*selfroleset | Manage selfroles. |
*selfroleset add | Add a role, or a selection of roles, to the list of available selfroles. |
*selfroleset clear | Clear the list of available selfroles for this server. |
*selfroleset remove | Remove a role, or a selection of roles, from the list of available selfroles. |
Useful commands for server administrators.
Author(s): Fixator10, DiNitride, kablekompany and Predeactor
Command | Description |
*aemoji | Manage emoji |
*aemoji add | Create custom emoji |
*aemoji message | Add an emoji from a specified message |
*aemoji remove | Remove emoji from server |
*aemoji rename | Rename emoji and restrict to certain roles |
*aprune | Cleanup inactive server members |
*channel | Manage channels |
*channel create | Create a channel |
Aliases: add
*channel create stage | Create a stage channel |
*channel create text | Create a text channel |
*channel create voice | Create a voice channel |
*channel delete | Remove a channel from server |
*channel rename | Rename a channel |
*massmove | Move all members from one voice channel to another |
*restartvoice | Change voice channel's region to random and back |
An advanced invite for [botname]
To configure the invite command, check out `[p]invite set`.
Author(s): Jojo#7791
Command | Description |
*invite | Invite [botname] to your server! |
Adventure, derived from the Goblins Adventure cog by locastan.
Author(s): locastan, aikaterna, TrustyJAID and Draper
Command | Description |
*adventure | This will send you on an adventure! |
*adventureset | Setup various adventure settings. |
*adventureset cart | [Admin] Add or remove a text channel that the Trader cart can appear in. |
*adventureset cartname | [Admin] Set the server's name of the cart. |
*adventureset cartroom | [Admin] Lock carts to a specific text channel. |
*adventureset carttime | [Admin] Set the cooldown of the cart. |
*adventureset economy | [Admin] Manages the adventure economy. |
*adventureset economy maxwithdraw | [Admin] Set how much players are allowed to withdraw. |
*adventureset economy withdraw | [Admin] Toggle whether users are allowed to withdraw from adventure currency to main currency. |
*adventureset embeds | [Admin] Set whether or not to use embeds for the adventure game. |
Aliases: embed
*adventureset god | [Admin] Set the server's name of the god. |
*adventureset locks | [Admin] Reset Adventure locks. |
*adventureset locks adventure | [Admin] Reset the adventure game lock for the server. |
*adventureset rebirthcost | [Admin] Set what percentage of the user balance to charge for rebirths. |
*adventureset showsettings | Display current settings. |
*adventureset version | Display the version of adventure being used. |
*aleaderboard | Print the leaderboard. |
*apayday | Get some free gold. |
*atransfer | Transfer currency between players/economies. |
*atransfer deposit | Convert bank currency to gold. |
*atransfer player | Transfer gold to another player. |
*atransfer withdraw | Convert gold to bank currency. |
*backpack | This shows the contents of your backpack. |
*backpack disassemble | Disassemble items from your backpack. |
*backpack equip | Equip an item from your backpack. |
*backpack eset | Equip all parts of a set that you own. |
*backpack sell | Sell an item from your backpack. |
*backpack sellall | Sell all items in your backpack. Optionally specify rarity or slot. |
*backpack trade | Trade an item from your backpack to another user. |
*bless | [Cleric Class Only] |
*cbackpack | Complex backpack management tools. |
*cbackpack disassemble | Disassemble items from your backpack. |
*cbackpack sell | Sell items from your backpack. |
*cbackpack show | This shows the contents of your backpack. |
*convert | Convert normal, rare or epic chests. |
*ebackpack | This shows the contents of your backpack that can be equipped. |
*equip | This equips an item from your backpack. |
*focus | [Wizard Class Only] |
*forge | [Tinkerer Class Only] |
*heroclass | Allows you to select a class if you are level 10 or above. |
*insight | [Psychic Class Only] |
*loadout | Set up gear sets or loadouts. |
Aliases: loadouts
*loadout delete | Delete a saved loadout. |
*loadout equip | Equip a saved loadout. |
*loadout save | Save your current equipment as a loadout. |
*loadout show | Show saved loadouts. |
*loot | This opens one of your precious treasure chests. |
*music | [Bard Class Only] |
*mysets | Show your sets. |
*negaverse | This will send you to fight a nega-member! |
*nvsb | Print the negaverse scoreboard. |
*pet | [Ranger Class Only] |
*pet forage | Use your pet to forage for items! |
*pet free | Free your pet :cry: |
*rage | [Berserker Class Only] |
*rebirth | Resets your character level and increases your rebirths by 1. |
*scoreboard | Print the scoreboard. |
*setinfo | Show set bonuses for the specified set. |
*skill | This allows you to spend skillpoints. |
*stats | This draws up a character sheet of you or an optionally specified member. |
*themeset | [Admin] Modify themes. |
*themeset list | [Admin] Show custom objects in the specified theme. |
Aliases: show
*themeset list monster | [Admin] Show monster objects in the specified theme. |
*themeset list pet | [Admin] Show pet objects in the specified theme. |
*unequip | This stashes a specified equipped item into your backpack. |
*wscoreboard | Print the weekly scoreboard. |
Alert when a dragon appears in adventure
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*adventurealert | Set notifications for all adventures |
*adventurealert global | Toggle adventure notifications in all shared servers |
*adventurealert removeall | Remove all adventurealert settings in all guilds |
*adventurealert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from adventure alerts |
*adventurealert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when a dragon appears |
*adventurealert settings | Shows a list of servers you have alerts |
Aliases: setting
*adventurealert toggle | Toggle adventure notifications in this server |
Play Akinator in Discord!
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and sravan
Command | Description |
*aki | Start a game of Akinator! |
Create aliases for commands.
Aliases are alternative names/shortcuts for commands. They
can act as both a lambda (storing arguments for repeated use)
or as simply a shortcut to saying "x y z".
When run, aliases will accept any additional arguments
and append them to the stored alias.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*alias | Manage command aliases. |
*alias add | Add an alias for a command. |
*alias delete | Delete an existing alias on this server. |
*alias edit | Edit an existing alias in this server. |
*alias global | Manage global aliases. |
*alias global list | List the available global aliases on this bot. |
*alias help | Try to execute help for the base command of the alias. |
*alias list | List the available aliases on this server. |
*alias show | Show what command the alias executes. |
Get all the alias information you could ever want about a command.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*aliases | Get all the alias information you could ever want about a command. |
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*alignment | Generate a Alignment Card |
*alignmentset | Commands for setting alignment settings |
*alignmentset background | Set the colour of the Alignment card background. |
*alignmentset bgtile | Set the background image (tiled). |
*alignmentset box | Set the colour of the Alignment card boxes border. |
*alignmentset settings | Show the current alignment card settings |
*alignmentset text | Set the colour of the text. |
*alignmentset textborder | Set the colour of the text border. |
*alignmentset watermark | Add a watermark image to the alignment card |
Check new users with AltDentifier API
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
*altcheck | Check a user on AltDentifier. |
*altset | Manage AltDentifier Settings. |
*altset action | Specify what actions to take when a member joins and has a certain Trust Level. |
*altset channel | Set the channel to send AltDentifier join checks to. |
*altset settings | View AltDentifier Settings. |
*altset unwhitelist | Remove a user from the AltDentifier whitelist. |
*altset whitelist | Whitelist a user from AltDentifier actions. |
A rich embed ping command with latency timings.
You can customise the emojis, colours or force embeds with `[p]pingset`.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*ping | A rich embed ping command with timings. |
Aliases: pinf, pig, png, pign, pjgn, ipng, pgn, pnig
Guard users from malicious links and phishing attempts with customizable protection options.
Author(s): adminescalation
Command | Description |
*antiphishing | Configurable options to help keep known malicious links out of your community's conversations. |
*antiphishing action | Customize enforcement |
*antiphishing autoban | Configure an independent autoban |
*antiphishing enroll | Enable vendor monitoring |
*antiphishing logchannel | Set logging channel |
*antiphishing settings | Show current settings |
*antiphishing staffrole | Set responder role |
*antiphishing stats | Check statistics |
*antiphishing timeoutduration | Set timeout duration |
Cog for handling applications.
Author(s): bencos18 (492089091320446976)
Command | Description |
*apply | Apply for a specific role. |
*appset | Subcommands for setting up roles. |
*appset add | Add a question for a specific role. |
*appset clear | Clear all questions for a specific role. |
*appset clearq | Clear all questions for a specific role. |
*appset listroles | List roles available for application. |
*appset remove | Remove a question for a specific role. |
*appset removeq | Remove a question for a specific role. |
*appset review | Review a member's application for a specific role. |
*appset set | Set the application channel. |
Play audio through voice channels.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
*audioset | Music configuration options. |
*audioset autodeafen | Toggle whether the bot will be auto deafened upon joining the voice channel. |
*audioset autoplay | Change auto-play setting. |
*audioset autoplay playlist | Set a playlist to auto-play songs from. |
*audioset autoplay reset | Resets auto-play to the default playlist. |
*audioset autoplay toggle | Toggle auto-play when there no songs in queue. |
*audioset countrycode | Set the country code for Spotify searches. |
*audioset dailyqueue | Toggle daily queues. |
*audioset dc | Toggle the bot auto-disconnecting when done playing. |
*audioset dj | Toggle DJ mode. |
*audioset emptydisconnect | Auto-disconnect from channel when bot is alone in it for x seconds, 0 to disable. |
*audioset emptypause | Auto-pause after x seconds when room is empty, 0 to disable. |
*audioset jukebox | Set a price for queueing tracks for non-mods, 0 to disable. |
*audioset lyrics | Prioritise tracks with lyrics. |
*audioset maxlength | Max length of a track to queue in seconds, 0 to disable. |
*audioset maxvolume | Set the maximum volume allowed in this server. |
*audioset mycountrycode | Set the country code for Spotify searches. |
*audioset notify | Toggle track announcement and other bot messages. |
*audioset persistqueue | Toggle persistent queues. |
*audioset restrictions | Manages the keyword whitelist and blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist | Manages the keyword blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist add | Adds a keyword to the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist clear | Clear all keywords added to the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist delete | Removes a keyword from the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions blacklist list | List all keywords added to the blacklist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist | Manages the keyword whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist add | Adds a keyword to the whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist clear | Clear all keywords from the whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist delete | Removes a keyword from the whitelist. |
*audioset restrictions whitelist list | List all keywords added to the whitelist. |
*audioset role | Set the role to use for DJ mode. |
*audioset settings | Show the current settings. |
Aliases: info
*audioset thumbnail | Toggle displaying a thumbnail on audio messages. |
*audioset vote | Percentage needed for non-mods to skip tracks, 0 to disable. |
*autoplay | Starts auto play. |
*bump | Bump a track number to the top of the queue. |
*bumpplay | Force play a URL or search for a track. |
*disconnect | Disconnect from the voice channel. |
*eq | Equalizer management. |
*eq delete | Delete a saved eq preset. |
*eq list | List saved eq presets. |
*eq load | Load a saved eq preset. |
*eq reset | Reset the eq to 0 across all bands. |
*eq save | Save the current eq settings to a preset. |
*eq set | Set an eq band with a band number or name and value. |
*genre | Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing. |
*local | Local playback commands. |
*local folder | Play all songs in a localtracks folder. |
*local play | Play a local track. |
*local search | Search for songs across all localtracks folders. |
*now | Now playing. |
*pause | Pause or resume a playing track. |
*percent | Queue percentage. |
*play | Play the specified track or search for a close match. |
*playlist | Playlist configuration options. |
*playlist append | Add a track URL, playlist link, or quick search to a playlist. |
*playlist copy | Copy a playlist from one scope to another. |
*playlist create | Create an empty playlist. |
*playlist dedupe | Remove duplicate tracks from a saved playlist. |
*playlist delete | Delete a saved playlist. |
*playlist info | Retrieve information from a saved playlist. |
*playlist list | List saved playlists. |
*playlist queue | Save the queue to a playlist. |
*playlist remove | Remove a track from a playlist by url. |
*playlist rename | Rename an existing playlist. |
*playlist save | Save a playlist from a url. |
*playlist start | Load a playlist into the queue. |
*playlist update | Updates all tracks in a playlist. |
*prev | Skip to the start of the previously played track. |
*queue | List the songs in the queue. |
*queue clean | Removes songs from the queue if the requester is not in the voice channel. |
*queue cleanself | Removes all tracks you requested from the queue. |
*queue clear | Clears the queue. |
*queue search | Search the queue. |
*queue shuffle | Shuffles the queue. |
*remove | Remove a specific track number from the queue. |
*repeat | Toggle repeat. |
*search | Pick a track with a search. |
*seek | Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or to a specific time. |
*shuffle | Toggle shuffle. |
*shuffle bumped | Toggle bumped track shuffle. |
*sing | Make Red sing one of her songs. |
*skip | Skip to the next track, or to a given track number. |
*stop | Stop playback and clear the queue. |
*summon | Summon the bot to a voice channel. |
*volume | Set the volume, 1% - 150%. |
Make images from avatars!
Author(s): Kuro
Command | Description |
*ad | Make an advertisement! |
*changelog | Show the latest changelog. |
*clown | This person is a clown, Star. |
*communist | Generate a communist comrade avatar! |
*drip | Pretend to wear a rich jacket! |
*gun | Add a gun overlay to your avatar! |
*hornylicense | Assign someone a horny license! |
*jail | Send someone to jail! |
*lolice | Be a loli police and put lolicons to jail! |
*missionpassed | Mission passed, respect +100. |
*simpcard | Assign someone a simp card! |
*sostupid | Oh no, it's so stupid! |
*tweet | Generate a fake Twitter tweet! |
*uncover | So this person was hiding behind the wall all the time? |
*wanted | Make a wanted poster! |
*wasted | Wasted. |
*whowouldwin | Who would win? |
*ytcomment | Generate a fake YouTube comment! |
Le away cog
Author(s): aikaterna, Axas and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*away | Tell the bot you're away or back. |
*awaysettings | View your current away settings |
Aliases: awayset
*awaytextonly | Toggle forcing the guild's away messages to be text only. |
*dnd | Set an automatic reply when you're dnd. |
*gaming | Set an automatic reply when you're playing a specified game. |
*idle | Set an automatic reply when you're idle. |
*listening | Set an automatic reply when you're listening to Spotify. |
*offline | Set an automatic reply when you're offline. |
*streaming | Set an automatic reply when you're streaming. |
*toggleaway | Toggle away messages on the whole server or a specific guild member. |
Create fun fake badges based on your discord profile
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*badges | Creates a fun fake badge based on your discord profile |
*gbadges | Creates a fun fake gif badge based on your discord profile |
*listbadges | List the available badges that can be created |
Display a chart of the moderators with the most bans.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and Aikaterna
Command | Description |
*banchart | Display a chart of the moderators with the most bans. |
*banchart storedbans | Creates a ban chart using the server's bans rather than audit logs. |
Look up users on various ban lists.
This cog allows server admins to check their members against multiple external ban lists.
It can also automatically check new members that join the server,
and optionally ban them if they appear in a list.
For a quick rundown on how to get started with this cog,
check out [the readme](https://github.com/PhasecoreX/PCXCogs/tree/master/bancheck/README.md)
Author(s): PhasecoreX
Command | Description |
*bancheck | Check if user is on a ban list. |
*bancheckset | Configure BanCheck for this server. |
*bancheckset autoban | Manage which services are allowed to ban users automatically. |
*bancheckset autoban disable | Disable a service from banning users automatically. |
*bancheckset autoban enable | Enable a service to ban users automatically. |
*bancheckset autocheck | Automatically perform BanChecks on new users. |
*bancheckset autocheck disable | Disable automatically checking new users against ban lists. |
*bancheckset autocheck set | Set the channel you want AutoCheck notifications to go to. |
*bancheckset service | Manage the services BanCheck will use to lookup users. |
*bancheckset service api | Set (or delete) an API key for a service. |
*bancheckset service disable | Disable a service. |
*bancheckset service enable | Enable a service. |
*bancheckset service settings | Display current settings. |
*bancheckset settings | Display current settings. |
Send message on ban in a chosen channel. Supports images!
Author(s): Jakub Kuczys (https://github.com/Jackenmen)
Command | Description |
*banmessageset | BanMessage settings. |
*banmessageset addmessage | Add ban message. |
*banmessageset channel | Set channel for ban messages. Leave empty to disable. |
*banmessageset hackban | Set if hackbans should trigger ban messages. |
*banmessageset listmessages | List ban message templates. |
*banmessageset removemessage | Remove ban message. |
Aliases: deletemessage
*banmessageset setimage | Set image for ban message. |
*banmessageset unsetimage | Unset image for ban message. |
Serve some yummy drinks
Author(s): coffeebank
Command | Description |
*barserve | Serve a drink to a user |
*barset | Set bartender |
*barset add | Add a drink to the menu |
*barset remove | Remove a drink from the menu |
Play Battle Royale with your friends!
Author(s): inthedark.org, MAX, AAA3A and sravan
Command | Description |
*battleroyale | Battle Royale with other members! |
*battleroyale auto | Battle Royale with random players from your server. |
*battleroyale leaderboard | Show the leaderboard. |
*battleroyale profile | Show your battle royale profile. |
*battleroyale profile bio | Change your default bio. |
*battleroyale role | Battle Royale with members from a specific role in your server. |
*setbattleroyale | Configuration commands for BattleRoyale. |
Aliases: battleset
*setbattleroyale prize | Changes the prize amount. |
Play battleship with one other person.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
*battleship | Start a game of battleship. |
*battleshipboard | View your current board from an ongoing game in your DMs. |
*battleshipset | Config options for battleship. |
*battleshipset extra | Set if an extra shot should be given after a hit. |
*battleshipset imgboard | Set if the board should be displayed using an image. |
*battleshipset mention | Set if players should be mentioned when their turn begins. |
*battleshipset thread | Set if a thread should be created per-game to contain game messages. |
*battleshipstop | Stop the game of battleship in this channel. |
Author(s): bencos18
Command | Description |
*reset_bell | Resets the user's bell count in this server after confirmation. |
Aliases: resetbell
*ringbell | Rings a bell and increases the user's bell count in this server. |
Aliases: bell
Replaces the core uptime
command to show the uptime
percentage over the last 30 days.
The cog will need to run for a full 30 days for the full
data to become available.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*downtime | Check [botname] downtime over the last 30 days. |
*uptime | Get [botname]'s uptime percent over the last 30 days, and when I was last restarted. |
*uptimegraph | Check [botname] uptime with a graph over the last 30 days. |
Pull up biblical verses fast
Author(s): epic guy
Command | Description |
*bible | Pull up bible verses or reverse search by querying a word and get all it's references |
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
*bingo | Generate a Bingo Card |
*bingoset | Commands for setting bingo settings |
*bingoset background | Set the colour of the Bingo card background. |
*bingoset bgtile | Set the background image (tiled). |
*bingoset bingo | Set the "BINGO" of the board. |
*bingoset box | Set the colour of the Bingo card boxes border. |
*bingoset clear | Clear out the current bingo cards tiles. |
*bingoset icon | Add an icon image to the bingo card |
*bingoset name | Set the name of the current bingo card. |
*bingoset reset | Reset a users bingo card or reset the whole servers bingo card. |
*bingoset seed | Set an additional seed to the randomness of players cards. |
*bingoset settings | Show the current bingo card settings |
*bingoset stamp | Set the colour of the "stamp" that fills the box. |
*bingoset text | Set the colour of the text. |
*bingoset tiles | Set the tiles for the servers bingo cards. |
*bingoset watermark | Add a watermark image to the bingo card |
Set yours and get a message and role on your birthday!
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
*bdset | Birthday management commands for admins. |
*bdset channel | Set the channel where the birthday message will be sent. |
*bdset forceremove | Force-remove a user's birthday. |
*bdset forceset | Force-set a specific user's birthday. |
*bdset interactive | Start interactive setup |
*bdset msgwithoutyear | Set the message to send when the user did not provide a year. |
*bdset msgwithyear | Set the message to send when the user did provide a year. |
*bdset requiredrole | Set a role that users must have to set their birthday. |
*bdset requiredrolepurge | Remove birthdays from the database for users who no longer have the required role. |
*bdset role | Set the role that will be given to the user on their birthday. |
*bdset rolemention | Choose whether or not to allow role mentions in birthday messages. |
*bdset settings | View your current settings |
*bdset stop | Stop the cog from sending birthday messages and giving roles in the server. |
*bdset time | Set the time of day for the birthday message. |
*birthday | Set and manage your birthday. |
Aliases: bday
*birthday remove | Remove your birthday. |
Aliases: delete, del
*birthday set | Set your birthday. |
*birthday upcoming | View upcoming birthdays, defaults to 7 days. |
Search books and find more about a book. Results from Google Books API.
Author(s): coffeebank
Command | Description |
*book | Search books and find more about a book. |
Author(s): T14D3
Command | Description |
*brainfuck | Compiles normal text into Brainfuck code. |
*unbrainfuck | Interprets Brainfuck code and converts it to normal text. |
Author(s): TrustyJaid and Glas
Command | Description |
*speech | Make a Speech bubble... |
A cog to do calculations from Discord with buttons!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
*calculate | Calculate a simple expression. |
*setcalculator | Commands to configure Calculator. |
*setcalculator autocalculations | Toggle the auto calculations. |
*setcalculator autocalculationsignoredchannels | The channels to ignore for the auto calculations. |
*setcalculator modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
*setcalculator reactcalculations | Toggle the reaction calculations. |
*setcalculator reactcalculationsignoredchannels | The channels to ignore for the reaction calculations. |
*setcalculator resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
*setcalculator resultcodeblock | Toggle the codeblock mode. |
*setcalculator showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
*setcalculator simpleembed | Toggle the simple embed mode. |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
*show_calendar |
Author(s): TrustyJAID, crhallberg and Cards Against Humanity®️
Command | Description |
*cah | Cards Against Humanity®️ commands |
*cah list | List all the available set names. |
*cah start | Start a game of Cards Against Humanity®️ |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
*read | |
Author(s): flare(flare#0001)
Command | Description |
*cashdrop | Manage the cashdrop |
Aliases: cd
*cashdrop chance | Set the chance percent of the cashdrop |
*cashdrop channel | Set the channel for the cashdrop |
*cashdrop interval | Set the interval in seconds between cashdrops |
*cashdrop maths | Toggle maths mode |
*cashdrop max | Set the max credits |
*cashdrop min | Set the min credits |
*cashdrop toggle | Toggle the cashdrop |
Author(s): Eris
Command | Description |
*chat | Engages in a chat conversation using a custom GPT-4 prompt and create an active thread if not already in one. |
*expand | Expands an image based on the user's prompt using an AI model. |
*image | Generates an image based on the user's prompt using the DALL-E 3 model. |
*images | Generates multiple images based on the user's prompt using the DALL-E 2 model. |
*rewind | Rewinds the chat in an active thread by removing the bot's latest responses and the associated user input. |
*setmodel | Sets a custom model for this server's GPT based interactions. Current options are found here - |
*setprompt | Sets a custom prompt for this server's GPT-4 based interactions. |
*showprompt | Displays the current custom GPT-4 prompt for this server. |
*tarot | Provides a tarot card reading interpreted by Wrin Sivinxi. |
Show activity.
Author(s): aikaterna and Redjumpman
Command | Description |
*ccallow | Remove a channel from the deny list to allow chatchart use. |
*ccdeny | Add a channel to deny chatchart use. |
*ccdenylist | List the channels that are denied. |
*chatchart | Generates a pie chart, representing the last 5000 messages in the specified channel. |
*serverchart | Generates a pie chart, representing the last 1000 messages from every allowed channel in the server. |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
*check | |
Cog to Play chess!
Author(s): WildStriker (WildStriker#6222)
Command | Description |
*chess | manage chess games |
*chess draw | draw related commands |
*chess draw byagreement | Offer draw by agreement |